2019-06-21 Summer Solstice 【Aiden in English】
To what point has humanity crumbled? Recently, I read about complaints of Father’s Day being “offensive” to single moms and working women. While somewhat laughable, this is a strong viewpoint in society. The same drastic feministic ideas keep me up at night staring into the darkness, thinking. Now, keep in mind that this is only my opinion. Thus, I may say things opinionatedly and differ from the popular view. I will also disclaim that I have no credentials or support for my claims other than a background in AP US History and common sense, a powerful tool. So, believe what you want, but these are my thoughts. I’m pretty invested in the sports world, if you couldn’t tell. Just a month ago, there wasn’t a more hated person in my life than Kawhi Leonard (or maybe the person who set the rim up before the game). Therefore, it’s nearly impossible to see the desperate push by some people for equal pay in the WNBA, the women’s basketball league. An outrageously representative stat is that the maximum a woman can be paid is an eighth of an NBA minimum contract. From an uneducated point of view, that seems terrible and unbelievably sexist. Unfortunately, many people who use this evidence to support unequal opportunities in America between genders do not see the whole picture. It’s fair to say that the pay is skewed. There is no doubt about that. But a basic sense of rationality is the phrase, “You get what you pay.” In the WNBA, the average lowest ticket price is around $17. The difference is highly evident compared to the NBA’s estimate of $78 on average. Yet, uncoincidentally, WNBA games receive far less attendance, media coverage, and TV sponsors; thus, no surprise, the league loses about a million dollars annually. So, what is this show? Well, the WNBA is not as good a product as the NBA. It is not unjust to all those who point fingers at the basketball world, claiming the business is unfair. The differences are rather just. Those who watch basketball prefer to watch men’s basketball, as they produce a superior product—nothing against female basketball players. Undoubtedly, even benchwarmers could mop the floor against me. However, to see some female players asking for salaries comparable to Lebron James is absurd. Lebron James reels hundreds of millions of dollars from contracts because he is a walking product that the masses enjoy watching, a diamond that franchises wish to possess. Say the current reigning MVP, Elena Delle Donne, a player I had to look up, was given Lebron James’ contract. Would that make whatever team she played for gain revenue? Would it incentivize me to watch? No, not to a degree NBA players do. Look at other sports where women participate, such as tennis, soccer, track, etc. All have the common theme that men outlay them. If women create a better product than their male league counterparts, then by all means, they should receive higher salaries. Until they do, sports should and will continue rewarding the more entertaining genders. The interpretation of the WNBA to prove disparities between genders is misused. Instead of pointing to the yellow rock and calling it gold, dig deeper to find that it’s just coal dipped in mustard. Of course, I can’t say the same for other facets of life; I understand sports better than other topics. As it currently stands, the NBA funds the WNBA, as the female league cannot support itself. Would it be nice for female basketball players to be paid equally? Absolutely, but it would also cost the NBA a lot of money and resources that will not be returned. While many still try to think positively and ideally, I cannot see the change occurring until women find ways to dunk harder, shoot better, dribble faster, pass quicker, rebound stronger, and produce a more entertaining game. This is a game for the masses. Thus, it should be judged as such, basing salary on entertainment. It just is not possible for females to match male skills, a sad reality that people should accept. 【红霞译】
用美国女职篮来展示性别歧视纯属混淆是非,与其把土石子当成金元宝,不如挖出来搞清楚它不过是裹上芥末的煤疙瘩。当然,这万万不可延申到其它生活层面,拿体育说事要比白活别的话题来劲得多,我心中有数。话说当下,美国男职篮出资赞助女职篮,整个女职篮联盟尚未达到自负盈亏,女将若能得到相关待遇岂不美差一桩?没错,这回定叫投注大量财力物力的男职篮血本无归。尽管大家积极群策群力,我个人却察觉不出任何改进,除非女篮球员比男篮对手扣篮更狠、投篮更准、运球更快、传球更猛、篮板更冲,让球赛变得更有情趣。 明摆着:百家游戏。于是乎,工资高低应该依娱乐水平而定。既然女性球技不可能达到男性标准,那么大家只好接受这一悲催现实。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: A life of Religion in Meteora, Greeck(希腊曼代奥拉的宗教生活) 2014: Baltimore Natl Aquarium, MD(马里兰州巴尔的摩国家水族馆) 2012: Descriptive─Memoir(应用文─回忆录) 2010: 甜言蜜语(Sweet Nothings) 2009: 童声合唱(Children Choir) 
Hobby (业余爱好 06-25-2019) 
Sparetime (业余生活 06-26-2019) 

Crosslink(相关博文): 10th Grade(高中二年级) |