【Aiden in English】
I guess it isn't possible to go through Europe without seeing castles. Like I've said before, castles are a message of power and wealth. Therefore, anyone with power and wealth had a castle. Marksburg Castle, constructed in 1117, was originally a fortress for protection, not a royal residence. However, going through many years of war, Marksburg had established many defenses, allowing it to escape damage and be the only medieval castle in the Rhine Valley not to be destroyed or conquered in battle. That does not mean the castle was never lost. The castle was often handed over to the opposing side because of a larger war. Interestingly, this castle is the original—no restoration or duplication based on 'current technology. Granted, certain things were cleaned up, and other decorations were added to symbolize items once it was used as the prison, such as a plastic T-bone in the kitchen, but these were all minor details to the overall objective. Marksburg is situated on the top of a decently tall mountain of Braubach, close to the ancient city of Koblenz. The section we went through today was mainly entire valleys around the upper middle Rhine River, each displaying a fortress or castle of some sort every 2.5 km/1.6 miles on average. Fortunately, Marksburg is the only one that has never been destroyed. However, it has gone through most phases of castles, transferring from duke to duke, family to family, and kingdom to empire. Yet most of the interior was the same, having a main bedroom, kitchen, and dungeon. Around the outside was a three-meter-thick wall and many openings looking down towards the valley for defense, fresh air, and toilets. This castle, to me, was very rugged, unlike other castles. The floors and steps were all chiseled from stone, uneven, and craggily. The walls and stone, as well, were calm and chilled. It's not surprising to find things colder. We were, after all, 168 meters/550 feet in the air. But the wind gusts caught me off guard whenever I opened a door. Although fashioned nicely, each room showed imperfect architecture and angles, which was a design style. Looking through a window, I was usually met with a spectacular view of the meadow, trees, and car battery recycling chimneys. It appeared that Germany's trees changed color early this year, and the autumn shades were revealing in mid-August—no problem with me. From the bottom, looking up, the castle was in the perfect scene and position. Beautiful and peaceful, majestic, and innocent... except for the torture chamber. The guide led us through most of the castle, demonstrating medieval life perfectly preserved within. From slaughtering pigs to disposing of human waste through a hole in the floor, I saw many shades of the new culture behind the walls of castles. Each castle I go to seems like another puzzle piece in a larger picture. With each piece, I feel a bit more intelligent about castles, each piece showing a bit more medieval life and giving a bit more sense to European history. 【红霞译】
在我看来,战神城堡坚如磐石,与别的城堡各有不同,其地面和台阶全是就地凿出来的,高低不平;墙壁也都由岩石构成,阴森寒冷。这倒没啥奇怪的,毕竟我们站在168米/550英尺山巅之上,因此每当开门的时候,我禁不住打个寒颤。话至城堡建筑,尽管布局别致,但每间屋子极不规整,姑且算作一种设计风格。此时我放眼凝视窗外,草甸、树林、汽车电池回收烟囱构成一幅壮美景观,今年德国好像树叶变黄得有点早,八月中旬秋天的影子已经悄然出现,我并不在乎,倒是从山脚下朝上望去,城堡占尽了天时地利人和,显得俊秀沉静、庄重祥和……除了酷刑室例外。 导游带我们参观了大部分城堡,无不尽展保存完好的中世纪生活,从杀猪到楼板地面挖个洞眼排泄粪便,透过壁垒森严的城堡,我见识到崭新的文化侧面,每到一座城堡宛如为硬纸板拼图中另一个零片找准了位置,每个零片代表些许城堡精华,每个零片多少反映中世纪生活,渐渐地对欧洲历史有了大概了解。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Epicure of the Rhine, Germany(德国莱茵河·美味佳肴) 2017: Rhine—Trechtingshausen to Bingen,DE(德国从隼堡到女先知) 2017: Rhine—Lorch to Niederheimbach, DEU(德国从死亡岛到秀颈堡) 2017: Rhine—Kaub to Bacharach, DEU(德国从皇宫城堡到守护者礼拜堂) 2017: Oberwesel—Schonburg & Ochsenturm, DEU(德国美堡与牛塔) 2017: Loreley—Father Rhine, Germany(德国河妖石·莱茵河之父) 2017: Rhine—Bornhofen to St Goar, DEU(德国从鼠堡到猫堡) 2017: Rhine—Spay to Boppard, DEU(德国从雷司令到葡萄种植园) 2017: Rhine—Koblenz to Lahnstein, DEU(德国从德意志之角到防御重镇) 2017: Marksburg, WWII Only Survivor DEU(德国莱茵河上二战独存的马克堡) 2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二)
Rhine's Iconic Watchman (莱茵河标志性守望者 08-19-2017)
Marksburg above Braubach (布劳巴赫“啤酒溪”城上马克“战神”堡) Chapel Tower (教堂塔 08-19-2017)
Drawbridge Gate (吊桥门 08-19-2017)
500-Yr Castle's Gatekeeper, Drawbridge Gate (吊桥门·500年城堡守护者)
Courtyard (庭院 08-19-2017)
Powder Tower (火药塔 08-19-2017)
Ramparts (城墙 08-19-2017)
Great Artillery Battery (大炮台 08-19-2017)
Small Artillery Battery (小炮台 08-19-2017)
Bedrock of Riders' Stairway (骑手阶梯·基石 08-19-2017)
Riders' Stairway (骑手阶梯 08-19-2017)
Cast-Iron Cookware, Kitchen (厨房·铸铁炊具 08-19-2017)
Chapel Frescoes w/ a 15th-Century Rhenish Virgin Mary (教堂壁画与十五世纪礼贤会圣母雕像 08-19-2017)
Stairway from Chapel to Armory (从礼拜堂到军械库的楼梯 08-19-2017)
Gimbel Collection @ Armory (军械库·金宝收藏 08-19-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2017: Neuschwanstein & Linderhof, Germany(德国新天鹅堡和林德霍夫宫) Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |