
【Hope】 Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749—1832) Grant that the day's work of my hands, lofty Fortune, I may complete! Grant that they will not exhaust me! No, these are not empty dreams: now but mere poles, these trees will one day give fruit and shade. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《希望》】 鸽子先知•游狼•歌德(1749生—1832卒) 请赐福我 完成每日的工作! 哦别让我怠惰! 这不是空洞的梦想: 现在它是光秃的树干, 明天它将果满叶繁,树影婆娑。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Braubach, Marksburg Castle of Germany(德国布劳巴赫·马克堡)
2014: YMCA Camp─Dodgeball-2(基督教青年会夏令营─躲避球之二) 
Baumstriezel (烟囱蛋糕) 
Rüdesheim Riesling & Licher Beer (吕德斯海姆雷司令与淡啤酒)

Potato Soup (土豆汤) 
Pumpkin Cream Soup (南瓜奶油汤) 
Rhine Salad (莱茵河沙拉) 
Smoked Trout (熏鳟鱼) 
Stuffed Artichokes (球蓟丸子) 
German Steak (日耳曼牛排) 
Tuna Melt on Toasted Brioche (烤金枪鱼配奶油卷) 
Traditional German Beef Roll (传统德国牛肉卷)

Apple Pie (苹果馅饼) 
Banana Split (香蕉船) 
Red Wine Pear (红酒梨)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |