2024-01-23 National Handwriting Day 【The Good Man Has No Shape (1947)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Through centuries he lived in poverty. God only was his only elegance.
Then generation by generation he grew Stronger and freer, a little better off.
He lived each life because, if it was bad, He said a good life would be possible.
At last the good life came, good sleep, bright fruit, And Lazarus betrayed him to the rest,
Who killed him, sticking feathers in his flesh To mock him. They placed with him in his grave
Sour wine to warn him, an empty book to read; And over it they set a jagged sign,
Epitaphium to his death, which read, The Good Man Has No Shape, as if they knew. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《善人无形》(1947)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 他世代贫穷。 只有上帝才是他唯一的优雅。
一代接着一代变得 更强大、更自由,境况有所改善。
他前世今生,即便不尽人意, 且说要过上舒坦日子。
舒坦日子终于到来,睡好觉、鲜果子, 神助向别人出卖了他,
还致他于死地,把羽毛插在他身上 来嘲笑他。他们在他的坟墓里摆放
酸葡萄酒来警告他、空白书来翻阅; 他们竖起锯齿形标牌,
其墓志铭写着: 善人无形,好像早有所知。 【注】如果说春晚是一种文化象征,那么光华中文学校为庆祝龙年春节而举办的联欢会则是全校师生乃至大费城华人社区承载民族传统、寄托对美好未来憧憬的绝佳方式,期待与各路宾客同堂共欢! 日期:2024年1月28日星期天 时间:下午两点 地点: Upper Dublin High School Performing Art Center 872-876 Loch Alsh Ave Fort Washington, PA 19034 主办单位:宾州光华中文学校(Guanghua Chinese School, PA) Today in History(历史上的今天):
2022: Back-to-School Day in Newark, NJ(返校日于新草州新方舟市) 2015:Montgomery ES Science Fair(巨人山小学科学博览会) 2012: 电子时代的百家饭(iParty) 2009: 迈阿密古巴风味(Cuban Cuisine, MIA) Crosslink(相关博文): 万花筒(Kaleidoscope) |