2014-07-08 【Aiden in English】
Brazil has never lost a game at home and has beaten or tied every game since 1971. But that's all about to change. In this semifinal match against Germany, Brazil's pure confidence will be turned into a dark defeat in the World Cup. The first 30 minutes became a nightmare for Brazil. Every few minutes, Germany pounded a ball into the goal. The Germans seemed to be running around the Brazilian defenders like they weren't there. I don't think they were there. More importantly, it looked as if Brazil wasn't even trying. That's where Neymar stepped in. He was the only weapon in the shooting. Whenever he got the ball, a miracle happened. He did the impossible, like a superhero in football. Since Neymar has suffered a fractured vertebrae backbone, he's out of the remaining games. That's why I think Brazil isn't the best team in the world. They depend on Neymar way too much. Without him, Brazil behaves like the USA. And Team USA isn't exactly a good one, either. After a long, torturous game, Brazil lost 1-7. Today, Germany played very well and will be one step closer to hoisting the World Cup trophy into the air on Sunday. Sooner or later, Brazil may figure out why there's no "I" in the "team." Soccer is a team sport and can't count on an individual's success. 【红霞译】
开场头30分钟,巴西队噩梦般掉进无底深渊,德国队势如破竹,连续进攻得手,频频突破巴西队防线,直捣对方家门。面对日尔曼人强大阵势,巴西队一时手足无措,再加之场上缺少唯一具有杀伤性的主力名将内马尔,以致溃不成军。话说内马尔脚下控球力超强,常常创造出令人难以想像的奇迹。因为脊柱骨裂,他不能继续参加比赛,巴西队的整体实力惨受影响,这就是为什么我认为巴西不应算作世界上最好的球队原因吧,人们过分依赖内马尔,失去内马尔的巴西队实际上跟美国队水平相当,而美国队因为得到了老天眷顾才勉强打进16强。 经过漫长而曲折的比赛之后,巴西队终以一比七的战绩输给了德国队。今天,德国队表现非常出色,并将于本周星期日参加争夺世界杯足球冠军奖杯的决赛。而对巴西队来讲,他们迟早会弄清楚为什么在“团队”里没有“我”字当头,足球是集体项目,光靠个人力量难以所向披靡。
Mosaic of Brazilian Natl Flag @ Escadaria Selarón (塞勒隆阶梯·巴西国旗马赛克 01-13-2013) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |