2021-10-09 International Beer and Pizza Day
【The Soul of the Sunflower (1881)】 Sarah O. Jewett (1849—1909) The warm sun kissed the earth To consecrate thy birth, And from his close embrace Thy radiant face Sprang into sight, A blossoming delight.
Through the long summer days Thy lover's burning rays Shone hot upon thy heart. Thy life was part Of his desire, Thou passion-flower of fire!
And, turning toward his love, Lifting thy head above The earth that nurtured thee, Thy majesty And stately mien Proclaims thee sun-crowned queen.
On earth, thy gorgeous bloom Bears record of thy tomb, And to transcendent light Thy soul takes flight Till thou art one, O sunflower, with the sun! —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《向日葵的灵魂》(1881年)】 公主•朱厄特(1849生—1909卒) 和煦的太阳亲吻大地 你应时而生, 他亲密拥抱 你脸上洒满阳光 眼前突现 盛开的喜悦。
穿过漫长的夏日 你情人的炙热光芒 照耀着你的心。 你生活的一部分 是他的愿望, 你迸发出如火的热情!
并且,你接受他的爱, 抬头转向 养育你的大地, 陛下 及其尊容 宣告你是太阳加冕的女王。
苍穹下,你华丽绽放 承载生命的力量, 超越时光 你的灵魂飞翔 直到合二为一, 哦向日葵,和太阳一起! Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Renaissance Faire(文艺复兴节) 2007: 夏威夷可爱岛—花园之岛(Kauai the Garden Isle, Hawaii) Sunflower Field @ Holland Ridge Farms, NJ (新州荷兰山脊农场·向日葵田 10-09-2021) Close-up of Sunflower Field (向日葵田近景) Head Displaying Florets in Spirals of 34 & 55 around the Outside (花盘外周展示34和55螺旋状舌状花) Ring of Fire (火环) Ruby Passion Disk Florets (深红宝石花盘) Moonshadow Disk Florets (月影花盘) Starburst Aura Sunflowers (星爆光环向阳花 10-09-2021) Math Model of Floret Arrangement (头状花序排列的数学模型 10-09-2021) Fermat's Spiral vs.Fibonacci Number: θ = n X 137.5o (费马螺线与黄金分割率 10-09-2021) Butterfly vs. Sunflower (蜜蜂与朝阳花 10-09-2021) Aphorism (警句名言 10-09-2021)
You are my sunshine my only sunshine You make me happy when skies are gray You'll never know dear how much I love you Please don't take my sunshine away 你就是我的阳光,我唯一的阳光 当天空乌云密布时是你使我快乐 亲爱的,你从未明了,我是多么的爱你 请别带走我的阳光 Barn & Silo (谷仓与筒仓 10-09-2021) Mum Field (秋菊田 10-09-2021) Dutch Clog (荷兰木屐 10-09-2021) Tractor Tire (拖拉机轮胎花盆 10-09-2021) Vibrant Flowers (美丽绽放 10-09-2021) Rainbow Ridge Farm Equestrian, PA (宾州彩虹山脊跑马场 10-08-2021) White Turkey (白火鸡) Muscovy Duck (美洲家鸭) Chicken Coop (鸡圈) Royal Palm Turkey (黑白火鸡) Holly Days Nursery, Garden Center, & Landscaping, PA (宾州接壤苗圃、花园中心与园林绿化农场 10-09-2021) Ornamental Hot Pepper Seeds (观赏性辣椒) Crosslink(相关博文):