2014-04-19 【Aiden in English】 Spring Recreation Soccer is a real bummer, which is organized by Montgomery United Soccer Club. It is said that there were no coaches, no scores, no refs, and even no goalies last year. Throughout the past, a little attention to our complaints made some changes. And about time, too! Now we are lucky to have goalies blocking shots, coaches telling us what to do, refs calling fouls and throws, and scorekeeping. Our first game was against Light Green (I don't know their team name). Immediately, we scored two goals (one by me) and got an early lead. We continued to play and all went well until our goalie didn't decide to pick up the ball. It rolled into the goal, and then the game became 2-2.
Our team decided to kick it up a notch. In the last few minutes, we buried the ball in the corner of the net. We won the game and at the same time, we named our team the Green Grass because the grass overcame challenges together, and so did we.
首场比赛我们与浅绿色球队相遇,其队名我无从所知。很快地,我们先声夺人踢进了两球,有一球由我大脚射门命中,比分暂时领先。比赛继续进行,一切都非常顺利,直到我们的守门员犹豫不决,致使摇摇晃晃的足球不着急不着慌地从他手下滚过,比分旋即被追成二比二平。 我们下决心奋力拼搏,在最后仅剩的几分钟内,大家齐心合力,将球从球网边角斜射入门,终于再下一城,我们以胜利告终,同时并自封本队“绿茵”之美名,既然脚下草坪都会众志成城,我们又何尝不能赢得挑战呢﹖ Melee in front of Goal (球门前混战 04-19-2014)
Ball Hawk (积极拼抢的防守队员 04-19-2014)
Victory in 3 to 2 (三比二胜 04-19-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |