【Aiden in English】 Life is not fair, It does not share. It does not listen, It does not care. School is not fun, It does not matter. And even if it does, It wouldn’t be better. Life is a person, A school bully to be exact. He hurts and pounds the innocent, Those who are haters, in fact. So don’t hate life, It is not that bad. It can be a bully If you make it mad. But on the inside, It is a nice guy. With joy and happiness, And hopes soaring high. pes soaring high.
So enjoy life. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【红霞译文】 生活本无公平, 道路各有不同。 有谁关注说的, 有谁在乎做的。 学校本无儿戏, 乐趣各有不同。 有谁关注好坏, 有谁在乎感觉。 人生真切无华, 校园霸凌无处不在。 善者横遭欺, 恶夫愣当道。 何苦厌恶现实, 人生五味社会百态。 境高声自远 身正影必直。 人情若水世事如云 心怀感恩, 乘着欢快的翅膀 飞向希望 享乐生活
HS Commencement (高中毕业典礼)
Good Cause (善举)
College Commencement (大学毕业典礼)
Inspiration & Perspiration (天赋加汗水)
Natual Bond (亲情)
Hand-in-Hand (手足情)
Growth Together (见证成长)
Golden City Chinese Restaurant (金城酒家 06-12-2016)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Harvard of Early Action(哈佛大学提前行动) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |