2012-06-15 宾州小学都设有“祖父母日”。每年的那一天,班上大多数学生的爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆纷纷从四面八方赶往学校,除了与自己的孙子、孙女、外孙子、外孙女聚集一起体验课堂生活观摩教学活动而外,还要欣赏孙辈们表演的儿童传统节目“老妇人”。 今年非同以往,班主任凯丽蔻太太(Mrs. Kalikow)别出心裁,号召全体学生重新编撰童谣里描述老妇人吃掉的各种动物,从小到大按顺序依次排列,将原版“苍蝇→蜘蛛→鸟→猫→狗→蛇→猪→山羊→牛→驴→马”篡改成“苍蝇→甲虫→淡水螯虾→青蛙→猫→狐狸→猪→鲨鱼→蓝鲸”,严格遵循既定套路。也就是说,后来吞入腹中的动物具有足够的实力逮到早先下肚的家伙。
【Aiden in English】
Are you interested in underwater fish? Here is how to draw a fish on paper. First, you should put on a body with the left side sharper. Next, you need to draw a fin on both sides since you don't have X-ray vision, and the fin on the other side is covered. Then, you add scales to its body. Last, you'd better erase the blocked lines and add a tail. Now you know what a fish looks like. You can make up your mind if you are going to see them alive or not! 【红霞译文】
There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,
有一位老妇人吞了一只苍蝇, I don't know why she swallowed a fly - don't ask me why! 搞不懂她为啥要吞苍蝇──千万别问我为什么! There was an old lady who swallowed a spider, 有一位老妇人吞了一只蜘蛛, That wriggled and jiggled and tickled inside her; 在她肚里扭啊闹啊痒啊; She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; 她吞下蜘蛛来抓苍蝇, I don't know why she swallowed a fly - don't ask me why! 搞不懂她为啥要吞苍蝇──千万别问我为什么! There was an old lady who swallowed a bird; 有一位老妇人吞了一只鸟; How absurd to swallow a bird. 好荒谬啊吞了只鸟。 She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, 她吞下鸟来抓蜘蛛, She swallowed the spider to catch the fly; 她吞下蜘蛛来抓苍蝇, I don't know why she swallowed a fly - don't ask me why! 搞不懂她为啥要吞苍蝇──千万别问我为什么! There was an old lady who swallowed a cat; 有一位老妇人吞了一只猫, Fancy that to swallow a cat! 真稀奇啊吞了只猫! She swallowed the cat to catch the bird, 她吞下猫来抓鸟, She swallowed the bird to catch the spider, 她吞下鸟来抓蜘蛛, …… 循环往复!最后依次出场的动物如下: Dog─ "She went whole hog." (她使出全力吞下狗) Snake─ "What a mistake." (昏头昏脑吞下蛇) Pig─ "Her mouth was so big." (胆大包天吞下猪) Goat─ "She just opened her throat." (走投无路吞下山羊) Cow─"I don't know how." (莫名其妙吞下牛) Donkey─ "It was rather wonky." (吃饱了撑的吞下驴) Horse─She's dead, of course." (她真死定了)
相关博文(Crosslink): 小学三年级(3rd Grade) |