2013-12-26 【Aiden in English】
Kenya is now one of my favorite places. I went on my first wilderness safari there right after Christmas Day. The safari began with a two-hour drive from Mombasa to Tsavo National Park, the largest park in Kenya. That's when we climbed aboard a van. At first, the van didn't look like something fit for the Safari. But as if the truck was trying to prove me wrong, the roof opened, allowing the passengers to see and stand. The first animal that came into sight was the black kite. The bird looked like an eagle and had a diet of snakes. It had brown feathers and a white head. The following animals couldn't fly and had different colors between males and females. It was an ostrich. Its long, slender legs were mechanical, pumping and powering the giant bird forward. The black male looked more significant than the plain beige female in size. To my surprise, a herd of gazelles came after a flock of ostriches went down the road. It was unfortunate to see how fast they were forgotten. As the van slowly moved along, I spotted something under a bush. Jackpot! It was a lion. This male lion had no mane and was cooling off in the bush's shade. From then on, it was a mixture of impalas, gazelles, kinds of deer, and hartebeests, a sort of sheep. I couldn't tell gazelles and impalas apart. The only reason they seemed different was that one had straight antlers while the other was crooked. Next, a troop of baboons revealed themselves to us. They seemed to be enjoying a pleasant morning snack of crunchy, juicy, tasty, yummy, and, to us, disgusting ants. When I thought the safari had reached its limit, the driver spotted a parade of elephants. They were huge! The giants were terrific in the fields, and everyone was fighting for a picture. Luckily for Mom, her high-tech camera caught a few shots before another car blocked the way. It's unbelievable how these animals all had no restrictions or boundaries in life. To them, Tsavo National Park might seem like a place where they do what they want to do, and all humans seem like bystanders, looking. 【红霞译】
首先映入眼帘的是黑鸢,这种鸟极像老鹰,爱吃蛇,除脑袋白色外,浑身棕毛;接下来看到的家伙不会飞,雌雄之间颜色不同大小不一,就是鸵鸟,其修长的细腿特别卖力,驱动大腹便便的身躯阔步向前;论块头,深黑色公鸵鸟要比浅棕色母鸵鸟大很多,出乎我意料之外,瞪羚紧步鸵鸟后尘。面包车继续缓缓前行,突然我发现灌木丛中有什么东西,哇塞我中头彩啦﹗一头没有鬃毛的公狮子正孤零零爬在那里纳荫乘凉,随后形似鹿的瞪羚和貌似羊的飞羚交相出现,其实我根本搞不明白两种羚羊之间的区别,只知道鹿角不同,瞪羚的偏直而飞羚的弯中带勾,接着几只狒狒浩浩荡荡迎面走来,看上去它们对令人难以下咽的酥脆、多汁、可口、美味的蚂蚁早茶独有情衷。我以为今天的猎游到此为止,哪曾想到司机又发现了一群大象,真可谓庞然巨物﹗它们目中无人,大摇大摆地逛街散步,大家争分夺秒赶紧抓拍触目惊心一刻,多亏妈妈把持高科技尖端镜头,在后续车队尚未到来之前迅速抓拍了几张精彩场面。 对这些野生动物来说,屠宰国家公园是一个天马行空自由自在生活的地方,而我们这些不速之客犹如过往浮云来去匆匆。
Today in History(历史上的今天):
2012:Amalia Glacier, Chile(智利圣作潮汐冰川) 2009:新西兰达尼丁一南方的爱丁堡(Dunedin—Edinburgh of the South, NZ)
Mombasa Port (首都蒙巴萨港 12-26-2013)
Makuti Thatch (湿雾茅草)
The Mosque on Mackinnon Road (麦金农路上清真寺)
Tsavo East Natl Park (东屠宰国家公园 12-26-2013)
Guard & Park Ranger (门卫执勤与公园护林员)
Safari Jeep (猎游吉普车)
Ashnil Aruba Lodge (坚固贝壳岛酒店)
Courtyard @ Ashnil Aruba Lodge (坚固贝壳岛酒店——庭院 12-26-2013)
Carlos from Mexico City (来自墨西哥城的卡罗 12-26-2013)
A Tower of Giraffes (一群长颈鹿)
A Troop of Baboon (一群狒狒)
A Dazzle of Zebra (一群斑马)
Mom & Colts (斑妈与斑娃)
Red-Headed Rock Agama (彩虹飞蜥)
Southern Rock Agama (石蜥蜴)
Ground Agama (地蜥蜴)
Duikers (麂羚)
Bush Duiker (灰麂羚)
Eland (巨羚)
Hartebeest (狷羚)
Hartebeest (狷羚)
Impala (黑斑羚) Impalas (黑斑羚)
Elephant (大象)
Black Kite (黑鸢)
Black Kite (黑鸢)
Black Kite (黑鸢) Fischer's Starling (费氏美椋鸟) Starling (椋鸟)
Kestrel (红隼)
Grey Heron (苍鹭)
Female Ostrich (母鸵鸟)
Male Ostrich (公鸵鸟)
Old Lion (老狮子)
Vervet Monkey (黑长尾猴)
A Drove of Cows (一群牛)
Cicada (蝉)
Beetle (甲虫)
Termite Mound (白蚁丘)
Weavers' Nests (织巢鸟窝) Sisal (剑麻)
Acacia Tree (金合欢树)
Sisal Field (剑麻田)
Sisal Valley (剑麻山谷)
Mombasa Suburbs (蒙巴萨郊区)
Swahili Villager (东非村民) Swahili Girl (东非少女)
Swahili Girl (东非少女)
Swahili Girl (东非少女)
Swahili Children (东非儿童)
Muslim Swahili Family (信仰穆斯林教的东非人家)
Residental Area in Mombasa (蒙巴萨·居民区)
Peacock Flower (孔雀花) Crosslinks(相关博文): Across the Indian Ocean(穿越印度洋) Africa (漫游非洲) 5th Grade(小学五年级) |