【Aiden in English】
Every year, an art show is held at North Penn High School. There's music, refreshments, and, you guessed it, art, which was represented from kindergarten to the 12th grade of the North Penn School District (NPSD). I'm only in 5th grade. Since my artwork wasn't as impressive as a 10th or 11th grader, it was hung in the gym where not many people would travel across the galleries. I drew a yellow minion from “Despicable Me” with crayons. The minion seemed more appealing to me than the other creatures because it played a stupid yet hilarious role in the movie. It was nowhere near as cool as the artwork in the galleries. The galleries held masterpieces. If I had to say who drew it, my answer would be pros. All the paintings had perfect texture and shading; the clay was so detailed that it would look like it in real life, and the pictures were sensational. Hopefully, I could catch up with drawing, painting, and molding like the 10th-12th graders. 【红霞译】
我身为五年级小学生,作品水平无法与高中二、三年级学生相媲美,只能悬挂在远离画廊的体育馆内,因此没有多少人舍近求远跋涉到这里猫上一眼。 我用蜡笔画了同名电影《神偷奶爸》中的黄色小丑,因为它笨拙滑稽,比其它角色更能打动我。坦率地说,本人实际水平与画廊中的展品差距甚远,那里的绘画堪称艺术杰作,质地纹理清晰,素描明暗适度,雕塑翔实逼真,摄影唯美壮观,够得上大师级专业水平。但愿有一天我也能像高中二~四年级的兄长师姐那样,用素描、绘画和塑像讴歌生活。
North Penn HS (北宾州高中 05-22-2014)
Art Show (艺展现场 05-29-2014)
Minion of Despicable Me (《神偷奶爸》05-29-2014) Aiden's Mimion on Display (儿歌参照作品《小黄人》)
Chorus of NPHS (北宾州高中合唱团) Crosslink(相关博文):
5th Grade(小学五年级) |