2014-10-17 【Aiden in English】 Sleepovers are the ultimate party experience. There's plenty of time for fun activities, and everyone has an amazing time. So today, I live through one night at Robbie's house. Robbie is a great friend of mine. He and I are always seen together. During the 3rd grade, I used to walk over to Robbie while everyone was writing an essay or doing a project. Unfortunately, the teacher made sure that Robbie and I were never in the same class ever again. Even so, that didn't affect our friendship the tiniest bit. And here I am at Robbie's spectacularly crazy sleepover slumber birthday bash. Just to fill you in, Robbie's parties are legendary. The wildest stories come true here, and everyone who goes comes back with a memory of a lifetime.
This year, Robbie's parents barbequed a cuisine of cheeseburger sliders and hot dogs in the backyard, the traditional food that tasted good. With my stomach stuffed with beef, the party guests went inside to watch the 2014 version of Godzilla. I loved it, but something tells me that everyone was too busy on their cell phones and DS.
Next came the thing I'd always wanted to do, Roasting Marshmallows. For the past two years I have been here, Robbie always said that we would roast marshmallows, but never really followed that promise through. Finally, Robbie took out the fire pit and turned it on. Flames danced among a wood trunk located at the center of the pit. Everyone grabbed a pitchfork-like thing and jabbed a marshmallow onto each point. Then, they stuck them into the fires. I have never, ever, ever, ever, roasted a marshmallow in my entire life, but that was about to change. So I grabbed a pitchfork, stuck two marshmallows on it, and steadied it over the flames. Immediately, a disaster struck. I started to divert my attention elsewhere, and let the pitchfork over deep into the depths of the blazing fiery pit. Just like a magical wand, the marshmallows were lit on fire. While my poor, sweet treats were being burned, I had deeply dived into the conversation bouncing around the fire. By the time I saw Robbie take his marshmallows out of the flames, it was far too late. My marshmallows were basically compacted ash and sugar. I jerked them out and inspected the two failures. I guess it wasn't so bad for the first attempt.
This was where things got crazy as it got eleven o'clock. Everyone was in their sleeping bags, and the lights went out in the basement. As soon as Robbie's mom left, we all started blabbing on about stuff making jokes and everything that didn't involve sleeping. When Robbie's mom returned, it seemed as if someone duct-taped our mouths close. Again, right after she left us alone, the whole room filled with whispering voices. Eventually, we fell asleep but it wasn't until after everyone played another hour of video games.
The next morning, we awoke and ate some delicious chocolate chip pancakes with syrup. This party was a blast. As much as I didn't get enough sleep, I wanted more. However, it looks as if I'll need to wait another long boring year.
今晚我要在罗比家过夜。罗比是我的铁杆朋友,彼此形影不离。三年级同窗时,每当遇到写作或研习功课时,我经常凑到他跟前聊上几句,结果招致老师的不满。打那以后我俩没再当过同班同学。但“好汉识好汉,惺惺惜惺惺”,咱哥们的兄弟情谊丝毫未受到半点影响,这不,我又一次亲临罗比家参加他的生日狂欢庆典。告诉你吧,罗比搞的聚会一向有口皆碑,想干什么就干什么,令人终生难忘。 今年罗比的父母在自家后院烧烤了美味传统食物——小起司堡三明治和热狗,我塞满了一肚子牛肉,随后进屋与所有来客一起观看2014年新版电影《哥斯拉》,我倒挺喜欢这部片子,可其他家伙各忙各的,不是拨弄手机,就是玩任天堂DS游戏。
重头戏还在后头。眼下已到夜里十一点钟,我们个个钻进睡袋,这时地下室的灯也已关掉。罗比妈妈刚走,我们便相互开起玩笑,想到什么说什么,毫无一点困劲。罗比妈妈再度返回查房,大家的嘴巴好像一下子都被牛皮胶带封住似的;等她离开以后,屋内又唧唧喳喳热闹起来,我们至少玩了个把钟头的视频游戏才进入梦乡。 第二天早晨醒来,香喷喷的糖浆拌巧克力块薄面饼正合胃口,这个聚会简直无以伦比。除了缺觉之外,我希望能多搞几次;然而没有一年半载岁月蹉跎,旧梦难再重温。
Sleepover at Robbie's House (罗比家过夜狂欢 10-17-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |