【Aiden in English】
Pop music is just a bass, a beat, and a melody, with an occasional quiet harmony. It's simple, yet people of the new generation adore it. But when written down, practiced, and closely inspected, the music I loved suddenly seemed duller than ever before. Now, everyone hates pop music just because of Justin Bieber (which I do). I think pop is so uncomplicated in a musical way. The Montgomery and Bridle Path Band Spring Concert at Bridle Path proved my thoughts when we performed. All of us were dressed in our best attire, which for some reason meant wearing the ugliest sneakers you could find, and with their flashy instruments, I could see some friendly jazz musicians in this band. The hallways were stifling hot, and the fancy clothes were not helping. The concert time crept closer, and with the speed of a striking snake, we were hustled on stage. Today's performance was unique from all the other years. The usual, easy yet beautiful, fast and slow songs featured every section. However, the two songs felt strong among the six musical pieces. The first was a jazz piece called “Slidin’ the Blues.” This song featured a huge trombone section. There were 18, I believe, trombones in the band, and some had tons of talent. This jazzy tune got some people rocking to the beat and caught me. Bobbing to the rhythm was dangerous for a sax player, so our section had to settle by tapping feet. Jazz had irregular notes, bending the rules of classical music, which is also why I like it. There are no rules to how a chord needs to sound, how half steps sound weird, or how F to B (augmented 4th) is the devil's tune. With differences like these, people can only like one side, and I’m sitting in the middle. However, that “middle” is the middle of the three sides. I also enjoy pop. Boy, liking pop, jazz, and classical seems like picking A, B, or C when all of them are correct, but there’s no all-of-the-above selection. So, the band played “Happy,” another intriguing piece. We also played this piece in the Wind Ensemble of North Penn. The pop song was so simple that it didn’t take an advanced band to play it. As much as it was cool, the notes weren't as sophisticated as one would think. We aced the performance, though the grand finale wasn’t as complex as the other pieces. Splitting among the three main music groups is difficult. The pros and cons even out, leaving a balanced diet. But someday, I'll have to choose a side. 【红霞译】
管乐队奏起了另外一首旋律激昂的《快乐》作品,我们曾在北宾州管乐团汇报演出中表演过这首曲子,流行乐简捷易行,对技巧功底要求不高,只要作品好听,吹奏音符并非像一般人想象的那么复杂,再加上大家鼎力合作,这首压轴曲的难度反倒不如其它节目。 流行、爵士、古典三种主要音乐形式争芳斗艳,各有千秋,谁都无法取代对方,但总有一天,我会搞清楚自己到底喜欢什么。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: GSK Take Your Child to Work Day(葛兰素史克公司带孩子上班日)
Sixth-Grade Spring Concert (初一春季音乐会)
"Happy" (《快乐》04-23-2015)
Alto Saxophone (中音萨克斯管 04-23-2015)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2014 5th-Grade Spring Concert(2014年五年级春季音乐会)
6th Grade(初中一年级)