【Aiden in English】 Dear my 5th graders,
The sixth grade is nothing like your expectations. Work is hard and grueling. The teachers are fast-paced, and if you aren’t paying attention, bang! The teachers send a lightning-fast and brutal question to you without any warning. So, if you wish to leave Montgomery ES on a good note, you might want to listen to my advice. First, the sixth grade isn’t impossible or as hard to pass as you think, but there is still an enormous change between the fifth and sixth grades. Let’s begin with Mr. Richhart. As you have probably all heard, Mr. Richhart is the funniest teacher in Montgomery ES and has a great way to make jokes out of nowhere. He is a writing and social studies teacher, both of which he makes a lot more interesting with spectacular humoristic quality. Just standing around it, comedian/teacher, gives me a jolly spirit. Sometimes, I wonder if Mr. Richhart wanted to be an entertainer when he was young. If so, he can always entertain us, too. Mr. Richhart also has a large, red dodgeball that his students use for a silent ball at recess. Mr. Richhart plays with us, and he is dangerous and hostile. Kids can be mean and peg kids close to them, but obviously, that’s not cool. So Mr. Richhart pegs you back, and I can bet nobody will feel bad or sorry for you. Mr. Richhart also loves telling his close-to-death stories, but you must earn the privilege. Although the stories seem like yarns or stretched tales, everyone always believes him. I don’t think Mr. Richhart is the only teacher who has sixth-grade magic because here comes Ms. Kornstein or Ms. K, the math teacher. Once you enter her room, the colors and posters make the place magical. Ms. K likes her room and is always bright and happy. That smile on her face rarely turns around, but occasionally, it does. When the smiley face turns upside down, you’d better make a getaway and escape before she leaves the class. Otherwise, she usually is in a fantastic mood, laughing and talking with Mr. Richhart. Buckle your seat belts because Ms. Covelens is taking the stage. You're in for a real treat whenever you step into her room for a class. She has a set of energizers to keep kids awake. The energizers certainly keep us awake and also entertain us from the evil boringness that the subject language arts always have on people. Ms. Covelens has this compulsion or urge to keep her room neat. I never have this feeling to keep things tidy, and if you’re seen in my room, I’m pretty sure you’ll know what I mean. She is very picky with essays and papers she grades. If the paper is yucky, Mr. Covelens will comment horribly and disdainfully. Lastly, we have Mrs. Kesack, the spectacular, brilliant, sensational sixth-grade science teacher! She loves solving problems one by one and troubleshooting them. Like Ms. Covelens, Mrs. Kesack likes neatness and peace, but chaos is widespread in science. She gets annoyed and exasperated when it gets chaotic, but as soon as kids start listening, bam! She becomes nice and calm. Mrs. Kesack is also a list person and loves to spend some time making a to-do list. She does number one, and every time she finishes something, she gets up, does the hokey pokey, and crosses number one off the list. She loves that feeling of the pencil drawing a straight line across the paper. The sixth grade isn’t bad, but you must work hard. You’re no longer a fifth grader who gets handed “As” like candy. “As” are earned by sweat, tears, hard work, and determination. Nevertheless, it will be a fast year. Good luck, and have fun! From Aiden, the Sixth Grade Student
你明白了吧,初中一年级并不是那么糟糕,但你必须努力向上。你不再是一位五年级小学生,考出“优秀”成绩像得到一块糖那么容易,“优秀”是汗水、眼泪、努力和决心浇灌出来的。不管怎样,初中一年级宛如白驹过隙稍纵即逝,祝你们好运快乐! 初中一年级师兄儿歌
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014 GHCS Commencement—Bamboo(2014届光华毕业典礼—蜀苑) 2013: 童家乐(B-D Party) 2012: 社会学─名人生平简介(Biography) 2009: 情结(Complex)
6th Grade Teachers & Principle Dr. Arney (初一老师们与校长阿尼博士) Hand-Writing Letter (书信手稿)
Hand-Writing Letter (书信手稿)
Hand-Writing Letter (书信手稿) Hand-Writing Letter (书信手稿) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |