【Aiden in English】 Basketball might be my favorite sport. It's pretty simple and easy to catch on, no matter how old you are. The only issue is that I'm not very offensive. You see, today, the best player in the Basketball Camp wasn't me, but a 3rd grader two years younger than me. Why? Because he drove and blasted through the opponent's defense. I don't have much driving ability to run and dribble to the basket without caring about the person in front of me. Also, I don't have the "eye" to sense where everyone is on the court, even without turning my head to look around almost every five seconds. That makes it challenging for me to create and execute a play for the team. In other words, I can't play a point guard. Basketball might seem easy, and it is my favorite sport. But one thing is sure: basketball is a hard one. 【红霞译】 篮球权且算作本人热衷的体育运动,既容易上手,又玩起来方便,更无所谓年纪大小。我不善进攻,如果说今日篮球夏令营最好的选手是一位三年级比我小两岁的男孩,你应明白我所表达的意思。为什么呢﹖原因在于他会突破对方球员防守深入篮下。 我一没那本事,不管前面有没有人阻拦带球上篮﹔二没那眼力劲儿,毋需每隔五秒钟扭头转身,就能眼观六路耳闻八方,单凭这点,我无法成为全队打法灵活球技精湛的主力核心,换句话说,我胜任不了组织后卫。 篮球或许简便易行,恰好适合我这种人,但有一点可以肯定﹕篮球很难打。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: Music Man Stills(音乐人剧照) 2012: Music Man Jr(《音乐人》) 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-2(文体营之二) 2010: 有钱能让儿读书(Money can make kids read)
Get Suntanned (一起晒太阳 07-27-2014)
Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |