【Aiden in English】
After being sick at home straight for two days, I was finally back in action, even though my fever wasn't entirely gone. With medication, there was no problem. But without those horrible pills, my temperature would spike. So, today I took a risk and after eating an Advil, pill, I left for LC. During B-Ball Camp, the class played a 90-min game. The score wasn't pretty. We, the guest team, got demolished 61-72. Not because I was a horrible team picker, but I just threw the ball away too much and nobody was able to catch it.
In the 1st half, I was my team's top scorer. It was layup after layup, bucket after bucket, and occasionally a three-point from downtown. In the 2nd half, however, my fever kicked in and the splitting headaches happened whenever I ran, jumped, or fought for the ball. I just couldn't play. Putting the ball near the net even became an effort.
As much as I lost in the court, I gained a crucial piece of information. PLAYING B-BALL with A FEVER IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!!! Maybe today I shouldn't have come to LC after all.
经过连续两天生病在家,我终於开始采取措施,尽管病竈尚未彻底消除。药物控制不成问题,一旦离开可怕的药片,体温又迅速回升。对此,今天我吃下一片布洛芬退烧药,冒著风险去了兰斯代尔天主教高中。 逗留篮球夏令营期间,营员们全部投入一场长达90分钟的比赛,结果惨不忍睹。作为客队的我们以61比72的战绩败下阵来,这并非因为接我传球的队员不好,而是因为我把球仍得过远,没人能接得住。 在上半场中,我是本队主要得分手,一个接著一个地上篮,两分接著两分地攀升,偶尔球还会从三分线外应声入网。然而一到了下半场,我又开始发烧,每当奔跑、弹跳、或者争球时,都感觉头痛欲裂,实力大受影响,甚至连就地投篮也变得相当费劲。 正因场上有失水准,我才得出一条宝贵经验﹕带病上阵打篮球绝非上策﹗﹗﹗也许今天我根本不该来兰斯代尔天主教高中。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: Drama-Sports Camp-3(文体营之三) Gym @ Montgomery ES (蒙哥马利小学体育馆 04-07-2014) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |