【Aiden in English】 Students are in a growing stage. These stages are the times when kids thrive in education and sports. It is the time when kids really begin to advance into adulthood. In the middle and high school areas, they are challenged so they can maximize their skills for the future. However, it comes with a price. Students are bombarded with loads and loads of work in and out of school. Stress levels are raised, and social time is cut to make room for homework. Parents are beginning to worry about kids, and now people are questioning if homework is really good as previously thought. Maybe homework isn’t the great, wondrous way of studying and reviewing that parents have always imagined. Maybe it’s time for schools to stop giving so much of the so-called “practice”. Maybe too much is too much, and giving a ton of homework isn’t good for the kids of the new generation. According to Stanford University‘s newest homework study, out of 4,317 middle-class students that go to high school, all the students do an average amount of a little over three hours of homework a night. That’s three hours out of their social and family lives. Instead of going out with friends, these high school kids are stuck at home with a pencil and a pile of papers in front of them while they try to solve for X. Homework is really impacting students in their lives, and they have to do their work for a good grade. Personal and relaxation time is also cut, and kids often are late for dinner and other family things. They are just one of the hundreds of other families that struggle with a huge amount of homework. Across the country, homework is taking its toll on kids’ family time, and it isn’t getting any better. It’s taking up the family and personal time. This is true, considering that many people are also bilingual like me, and sometimes even I, a very efficient worker, have to rush through loads of homework. I run through pages and pages of English homework, then blast through rows and rows of Chinese vocabulary words. Too much homework really stresses me out too, and sixth grade is only the beginning of loads of homework yet to come. Already the time it takes up for me is immense. I can’t stand not playing in the snow when it’s the year’s largest accumulation. In times like that, I have no choice but to finish my work. I often ask Mom for more time when she calls for dinner, and just as often she eats dinner a little earlier than me. So while I smell delicious food and listen to it being eaten, I’m stuck on a computer upstairs trying to wrap up an essay with a rumbling stomach. Homework is taking up much time with friends, too. During the beginning of the school year, my neighbors constantly asked for me to come outside, but I was unprepared for the brutal amount of homework that I had to turn down many requests. Also, my mom enforces extracurricular activities every week, which drives me crazy. I have to go to a swim team practice three out of five days a week. And these days, I struggle against a powerful flowing tide of homework all the time. If the tide gets too powerful, I cut into swim practices for extra time.
For many years, I have thought and believed that homework was based on quantity, not quality, and that is really bad for kids. We are wasting time on pointless and effortless work that I could do with my eyes closed. I guess I’m not the only one to think that way. The book The Case against Homework by Sara Bennett and Nancy Kalish is about the cons of homework. In one section of the book, the authors talk about how teachers are giving out large quantities of homework and not focusing on the true purpose of giving out all that work. What good are three worksheets when kids learn nothing from them? Absolutely nothing, so why give three pages. Since I’m bilingual, the difference between the three extra math worksheets is a lot, and less homework could mean more time to work on a language that I need more practice on. If the quality of the worksheet is increased, I’ll be forced to try harder and not just waste time. Maybe then I’ll even learn something, but at the moment, homework is all about quantity, not quality, which is why I think homework should be cut to the minimum or even taken out of our lives. Extra pointless homework also wears out my brain. After looking at the same paper for an hour or so, I get bored and lose my focus. It’s like when I eat the same delicious mint chocolate chip ice cream for a week, and by the end of the week, the once delicious ice cream now lost its appeal. The only difference is that homework loses its appeal a lot faster than mint chocolate chip ice cream does.
Large amounts of homework also have a great impact on kids’ attitudes, stress levels, behavior, and health. That is the worst part of too much homework. When homework is piled up into huge mounds and it seems endless, I turn into a cranky, mad ogre that tramples around the house trying to blow off some steam on something. Ever since I entered sixth grade, keeping my grade above an “A” got a lot harder, especially at home. Although homework doesn’t directly affect my grade too severely, getting detention does, and if students don’t do their homework before they know it, they’ll be handed a detention form. I do not wish to receive one, so doing homework is my top priority as soon as I get home. Even though it is my top priority, because of other activities like piano and swim team practice, it might not always get finished on time. After fitting in all those activities, homework time is cut, and this is where the stress, behavior, and other problems come in. When I rush through things, the results turn out not exactly the way I want them. It doesn’t taste too great either. That’s when I morph into the dark, evil ogre beast with a rage powerful enough to bring the house to the ground. At these times, all I see in my head is homework, homework, and even more homework. I stay up late into the night doing work, and in the end, I’m so tired that lifting an eyelid takes effort. Then, the next day, I go to school with a killer headache and walk around like a zombie. Homework does this to me. The studies show that kids all over the U.S. are losing sleep doing work assigned to take home. When you lose sleep, it’s called sleep deprivation in a Washington Post article that many kids in middle and high school are having less than the recommended healthy zone of eight-and-a-half to nine-and-a-half hours. In fact, over sixty-eight percent of the survey have said to have not reached the zone very often. I don’t know about you, but sixty-eight percent is a lot. Those sixty-eight percent of people also state that extracurricular activities cut into their homework time, just like me. When I don’t get sleep, stress, anger, and frustration can happen to my mood in split seconds. Sleep deprivation is bad for kids, and homework is a large stressor that makes it happen.
Although homework is certainly a stressor, and kids are freaked out about it, some may argue that homework builds self-character. For example, homework allows kids to gain time management and plan ahead. Mom always tells me to do so, but I don’t do a good job. The best time management I’ve ever done would probably be planning certain times I play video games and when to eat food between playtimes. As much as it builds self-character, homework is giving kids too much stress. Kids are still kids for a reason, and as they get older, the responsibility will come to them from different directions. They could do chores, volunteer, or do anything that requires maturity. This could build character and get the skills that they need to live on their own. Homework, I believe, is not the right way to go if a kid were to build character. It is too stressful because of the amount given and the time provided to do it. It can be unhealthy for kids and change their lives so getting homework done is the biggest deal in the world.
Homework is a tough, rough ride that all students endure. It is a problem for everyone in their lives. All the stress, the time, and the pain are not worth over sheets of paper with questions on them. Nevertheless, family and other activities should not be cut because of homework. The effort could be spent elsewhere and in their own interest. Just imagine the things kids could do if there weren’t any homework.
Citations (參考文獻): 1. “The Case against Homework” The Case against Homework. N. P., D.D. Web 11 Feb. 2015 2. “Should Parents Say ‘No to Too Much Homework? Why Burden Elementary Students with Hours of Tasks?” Washington Post. N.D. Web. 11 Feb. 2015 3. “Stanford Research Shows Pitfalls of Homework.” Stanford University. N.P., N.D. Web. 11 Feb. 2015 http://news.stanford.edu/news/2014/march/too-much-homework-031014.html 【紅霞譯文】
儘管家庭作業是公認的壓力來源,青少年唯恐避之不及,但有人可能還會爭辯說它有助於培養自我個性。舉例來說,家庭作業鍛煉青少年統籌安排時間的能力,媽媽一直告誡我這麼做,但結果並不理想,或許只有在支配遊戲時間上本人才表現出長足的進步,絕對保證吃飯玩耍兩不誤。至於培養自我個格,家庭作業只會為孩子帶來更多壓力。孩子畢竟是孩子,隨着不斷長大,責任心會從各個方面培養起來,勤做家務活、投身公益活動、領悟任何讓人成熟的經歷,這些都有助於培養自我個格和獨立生活技能。我相信家庭作業並不是培養孩子性格的正確道路,因為要在限定的時間內完成一定的工作量,給人造成的壓力可想而知,對孩子的身心健康極為不利,家庭作業對青少年生活造成的影響是當今世界所面臨的重大課題。 家庭作業可謂每個學生都要體嘗的一段痛苦經歷,人生總會遇到挫折,壓力、時間、煩惱與家庭作業在所難免。無論如何,家庭生活以及其它活動不應因課外作業而減少,相反,儘量把精力投到自己感興趣的事情上。如果孩子們沒有任何家庭作業,讓我們一起想象他們要做的事情吧。
The Case against Homework (《反對家庭作業的案例》)
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