【Aiden in English】
All things have a beginning, such as a person, a book, and even the universe. But not all beginnings are pretty, and some hurt the ear immensely. I'm talking about hearing sounds I've never heard before. Yep, those are the 4th-grade beginner band members for you! To set this straight, I'm not saying that I wasn't a bad player in my first year. It's just that the experience makes listening to lousy music sort of… feel weird. A Montgomery Band Spring Concert involves beginners, so all 6th graders, especially kids in the Wind Ensemble, could play with their eyes closed. Although I would’ve fallen asleep like that, you get the point. The evening performance was slightly more crowded because of the chorus performance afterward, and the only problem was the high temperature. Half an hour after arriving, I started playing probably the most effortless concert of my life. While the 4th graders honked, squealed, and squeaked like animals, Rob, my friend, and I tried our best to stay on task. You know, some artificial animal noise can get very distracting. At the time, two years ago, a honk sounded like an angelic musical. It was my first woodwind sound as a beginner, and the air was blown through my mouth. I even felt the tiniest sympathy for the 4th graders. It's not how you wanted to start your music career with a messed-up performance. This performance had one special thing that was not an embarrassing one. We played a comedy, in which the band invited Mr. Theodore, the Physical Ed teacher. He held high an Olympic torch, wore a cape, and marched on stage while the band played the Olympic Fanfare and Theme. The piece was called “Concerto for Crash Cymbals.” Mr. Theodore would pretend to be a guest soloist. Once the piece begins, however, he messes up a lot. A little conversation between our band director, Mr. Marcopul, and Mr. Theodore happened for the show. Ultimately, he was handed tiny cymbals that clinked together for a small ring. Then, the song ended on a final note. Through it all, I remarked a stone face and didn’t care. If everyone started laughing, at least someone would still be playing. For the beginners, they had an interesting start since this was the first-ever comedy piece played by the Montgomery band. Soon, those 4th graders will realize how hard they need to work and probably criticize the beginners two years from now. 【红霞译】
这次演出还穿插一个特别节目,挺大方的。我们邀请体育老师西奥多先生出演喜剧小品“铙钹协奏曲”,当管乐队伴奏《奥运主题曲》时,他高举奥林匹克火炬身披斗篷昂首阔步走进会场,但他故意跟不上节奏,中间出现很多失误。管乐队指挥马可波先生见状跟他笑对几句台词,最后西奥多先生用微型铙钹敲击小铁圈随旋律一起结束。我神情淡定,丝毫不受干扰,当人们笑作一团,总得有人继续吹奏吧。 对于初学者来说,首次登台演出十分有趣,尤其这回管乐队又破天荒地加了一段喜剧小品,但不久四年级学生就会意识到必须努力练习才能提高表演水平。两年后的今天,或许他们也会对新秀横挑鼻子竖挑眼。
Montgomery Band Spring Concert (巨人山管乐队春季音乐会)
Montgomery Band Spring Concert 巨人山管乐队 05-20-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015 6th-Grade Spring Concert(2015年初一春季音乐会) 2014 5th-Grade Spring Concert(2014年五年级春季音乐会) 6th Grade(初中一年级)