2015-11-26 【Aiden in English】
"Thank You, M'am" is a short story demonstrating the tremendous change that a boy undergoes when he experiences genuine kindness. This brief tale was made into a movie due to its popularity in the late 1950s, and the overall statement remains unchanged throughout the transformation from imagination and words to pictures and video. Although the short story was such a great one, nothing can be the same, and some facts and scenes had their differences between the two. "Thank You, M'am" was about the change of a boy named Roger, and both the movie and the short story demonstrated this. Roger was a young boy who had no parents and wished for a pair of blue suede shoes, and he stole Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, an old lady's purse. Instead of running away with it, though, he was captured by Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones, who brought Roger to her house. Then, Ms. Luella Bates, Washington Jones, said something very odd to a person who tried to steal her purse, and she told Roger to wash his face. He was let free, and the door was wide open. At this point, bells in my head, as a reader and viewer, rang as Roger did not run. This scene was significant in both the movie and the book, and the two all made sure that the audience knew what was happening. The internal conflict, or the problem mentally, in Roger was enormous, and instead of taking the easy way out of the mess, he went over to a sink and washed his face. This was one of the many scenes that books and movies shared in common, and it was wise to do so because of its importance. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones was highly friendly to Roger, even though he intended to steal her purse, and Roger seemed affected at that moment. Many other similar moments appeared along with the short story, but the next crucial scene was when Roger was left alone in a room with Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones’ purse. At the start of the short story, Roger is desperate for those shoes; by all means, an old lady can’t stop him. Although things did not go according to his plan, Roger still had a chance to redeem himself, snatch the purse, and run. Yet, for some reason, the author wrote that Roger did not wish for Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones to distrust him. He was right, as it was soon unveiled that Roger was even fed a meal. These scenes were both actual for the short story and the movie, demonstrating the bonding of Roger and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones. The most significant fact that the movie and short story I believe was included was its theme of the stories. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones wanted to teach Roger a lesson. Still, when the usual parents or sensible adults would have beaten the boy down for trying to steal their possessions, she treated Roger with kindness, like a loving mother to a child. Although at the start of the story, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones is a bit meaner, she grows warmer to Roger, even giving him money to buy his blue suede shoes at the end of the story in both versions. The overall theme I think the stories shared was to treat others kindly, and they will also treat you with kindness. Roger changes throughout the book, from when he tries and fails to steal Ms. Luella Bates Washington Jones’ purse to when he is given money at the farewell between the two characters at the end. Although the overall short story of "Thank You M'am" remained the same, and the same theme was passed on to the reader, the movie and the short story differ. In the short story, Roger is brought into a house with other people residing in different rooms. However, the movie did not have other people in the house. Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones's home seemed relatively small and did not have too many rooms for people to be in. Another difference that appeared in the movie but was not included in the short story was when Roger dropped the towel while washing his face. This may have seemed like a simple scene, but when taken a step deeper, a level further, it showed Roger having changed from when the short story began. Instead of letting the towel be tossed into the sink, Roger picked it up and neatly folded it into quadrants. Then, he delicately placed the towel on the side of the basin, careful with each step along the process. Roger did not seem to be one of the neater and nicer types of people before his encounter with Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, and that scene in the movie showed the eventual change in Roger. At the end of the story, Roger is starting to become a fine young lad, and Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones realizes it and gives him the money to buy his so dear desired blue suede shoes. Yet in the final moments of the story in the movie, Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones gave out twenty dollars, while in the short story, she only gave out ten. This meant that the period was different since the economy was different. “Because shoes come by devilish means like that will burn your feet” is a quote Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones said to Roger in the story and the movie. Roger was not a kid who deserved the blue suede shoes he wanted at the start, but after being changed by Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones, Roger changed. Although they are different, the movie and the short story both can infer that Roger has become a better person on the inside and generally. 【红霞译】
《谢谢您,夫人》电影版以原作为蓝本,对某些细节做了相应改动。小说中,罗杰与室友同在一个屋檐下分住不同房间;而在电影里罗杰却独处生活,没跟任何人一起合住。另外,书中琼斯太太的寓所狭窄,不像电影所描绘的房间很多且能容纳不少人。电影还增设了小说没有的场景,罗杰洗脸时毛巾不慎落地,本来算不了什么,但导演抓住这一点借题发挥,进一步表现罗杰的内在变化。他捡起毛巾不是随手扔进池中,而是规整地叠成四方,然后小心翼翼地放回脸盆旁边,并认真处理好每一件事情,在遇到琼斯太太之前,罗杰似乎并不是一位讲究整齐举止得体的年轻人,从这一点上不难看出他已脱胎换骨。等到了故事结尾,罗杰已然变成一位优秀的小伙子,琼斯太太同时意识到他的进步,决定出资帮他购买一双梦寐以求的蓝麂皮鞋,可电影上说是廿块大洋,其实小说里只写下十块钱而已,看来从小说出版到电影发行,经济形势已发生天翻地覆的变化。 “你以邪恶的手段弄到鞋子定会将脚烧坏”是琼斯太太告诫罗杰的肺腑之言,罗杰不再是故事开头那个通过不法手段以求达到个人目的小不点孩童,经琼斯太太调教业已洗心革面,活脱脱变成一位内心向善外表高雅的体面人物。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2009: 感恩(Gratitude) Thank You M'am (《谢谢您,夫人》) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015: Book Review─Head above Water(书评《浮出水面》)
2014: Book Review─Urban Outlaws(书评─浅议《城市水浒传》) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |