2014-08-18 【Aiden in English】 I love dodgeball. I know that I love a lot of sports. But in dodgeball, I'm helpful. In football, I'm good, but not a one-shot wonder. Neither am I in basketball. Today in my dodgeball camp, whichever team I was on, 99% of the time, won. Why? It was not because I was fast or pegged people in the face (partially) but for my skills in catching the ball. That's what made me my team's best. In regular dodgeball, a catch means that one person returns while the person who throws it is out. It’s a win-win. Whenever I got my hands on a ball, I handed it to one of my friends. Well, most of the time, I was the last one on my side of the court. So I had two hands to pluck the ball out of the air. I might have many favorite sports, but dodgeball is my thing because I am not fit for my team. Unfortunately, there aren't any jobs that dodgeball can help you in. 【红霞译】
我热爱躲避球,说得没错,本人喜欢很多运动。但只有在打躲避球时,我才彰显作为。美式足球我玩得倒不赖,不过算不上得分能手,篮球同样如此。 今天在躲避球夏令营中,不管我呆在哪个队,那支球队都有99%的可能性获胜,为啥﹖其实并非因为我速度快或叫对手面部挂彩(局部),而是因为我接球的水平高,显得出类拔萃。打常规躲避球的时候,球被接住意味着扔球的人出局,接球一方场外球员上场,双赢(对接到球的队来说)。只要抓住球,我会立刻传给队友﹔多数情况下,我是所在球队里幸存的最后一名球手,而且往往从空中断球。 或许我爱好不少运动,但更擅长躲避球,因为本人有实力不拖全队的后腿。不幸的是,躲避球实属冷门运动,无人以此为生。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 廿五年再相会(Reunion after 25 Years)
Wonder Ball (奇迹球 06-18-2010) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |