【Aiden in English】
Krypton is number thirty-six on the periodic table. After evaporating, the atom can be found in liquid air, and the residue left behind is krypton. Sir William Ramsay and Sir Morris Travers's method in 1898 led to the discovery of krypton. This noble gas has also been used in certain electrical lights. “krypton” comes from the Greek word “the hidden.” 【红霞译】 氪在元素周期表中排行第36位,由液体空气挥发后的残余成分提取而成,早在1898年威廉·拉姆赛和莫里斯·特拉弗斯两位爵士正是采用这种分馏法发现了它。该惰性气体被用作某些电灯照明光源,其名称源于希腊文“隐藏”之意。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Easy Fishing in Cochin, India(印度科钦捞鱼) 2012: Easter Island—Moai Statues, Chile(智利复活节岛—摩艾石像) 2010: 节日热情(Holiday Enthusiasm) 2009: 新西兰奥克兰异乡重逢(Reunion in Auckland, NZ) 2009: 新西兰奥克兰(Auckland, New Zealand) Krypton (氪元素) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |