【Aiden in English】
The theme of our journey so far has been the royal family in the Baltic region, whether it is kings, queens, or czars. Each has used their money to ensure a mark in history and the present day. Denmark, like all the other European countries, has been under the control of a monarchy. Most rulers are usually narcissists, filling their kingdoms with pictures of themselves. But today's palace features a warrior asleep. Kronborg Castle is a kingdom palace built in the 15th century for the kings of Denmark, which rarely gets anyone to recognize the name in the USA. But when people say the castle was the primary setting for the legendary Shakespeare play, Hamlet, nearly everyone will nod their head or have a connection about “that something is rotten in the state of Denmark.“ Of course, I haven’t read the story yet, but the high school curriculum has me covered. Assuming Mom doesn't force the book down my throat this summer after reading this. Nothing is a guarantee in this world anymore. Speaking about nothing being a guarantee, the weather was quite a guarantee. The forecast should have been described as "depressing" since the sky cried out tears and a few pieces of hail, and the wind blew them horizontally into our faces. Finally, I must say, the worst would have to be the dreadful temperature. It is July 6th, 2016, and assuming the world's brightest minds are correct, global warming is a very real idea. So, please explain why I shiver in a jacket and long pants at noon in the middle of summer when the world's icebergs are supposedly melting. Wait, before every Chinese genius in the world burns me on how temperature is a temporary measure, I want to say that the castle is haunted. Although ghosts do not fly out of windows every Friday the Thirteenth, deep below the surface lies a dormant spirit. Its name is Ogier the Dane. In a deep sleep, Ogier the Dane is a statue sitting on a chair, with both hands crossed over his chest, resting on a sword and shield. The path to the dormant beast is dangerous, with a twisting road through a pitch-dark dungeon many meters below ground. Torches glowed, casting eerie orange shadows and lighting. Water trickled down from above, occasionally scaring one of the tourists. With all that said, the place looked fabulous. Sounds bounced off walls, disorienting noises. Rows upon rows of arches threw off the most sense of direction and soon made many lost. Luckily, it didn't take long to find a flight of stairs that led up into the small cavern of Ogier's slumbering statue. In the books, Ogier is a great warrior in Charlemagne's army and one of his best. When he wanted to return to his home, Denmark, Charlemagne disagreed and gave him no money to use. After walking back, Ogier went to a dormant state under Kronborg, leaving with a promise, which went along these lines. If anyone dares to threaten Denmark, I shall awaken and protect my country. It becomes dramatic. During WWII, Ogier remained in the same position. Some called him a lazy slouch, but a resistance group took up his name… It's a coincidence, I think not. 【红霞译】
酣睡中,雕像《丹麦人矛岛》坐在一把椅子上,双手交叉于胸前,并架在利剑和坚盾之上休息。通往休眠巨兽之路充满荆棘坎坷,其间需要绕过弯弯曲曲黑咕隆咚的地牢,而且足有几米之深。这里油光昏暗,泛着鬼火似橘黄色灯影,水珠从上面嘀下来,不时打在游客身上。总而言之,地牢看上去不错,声音经墙壁反射发出不同回声,一排一排的拱形门洞变换出各个方向,让我们犹如置身迷宫难辨方向,好在没费多少功夫我们便找到楼梯,顺着楼梯走过去,迎面出现矛岛沉睡雕像所在的狭小洞穴。根据书中描述,矛岛曾是法国查理大帝旗下一位最为出色的勇士,查理大帝因反对他重返丹麦故里而不肯出资供他生活,矛岛只好自找出路,放弃原有抱负,独身来到皇冠宫地下进入休眠状态。 如果有人胆敢威胁丹麦,我将醒来保护国家。 情节发展得极具戏剧性。二战期间,矛岛始终保持同样睡势,有人称他懒惰懈怠,但是抵抗力量巧取他的名字……多巧合哩,而我并不这么认为。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016: Frederiksborg, the Danish Versailles(丹麦腓特烈堡·凡尔赛宫) 2016: Fredensborg Palace & N Zealand, Denmark(丹麦腓特烈堡宫和北西兰) 2013: Drama Camp-2(戏剧夏令营之二)
Port of Helsingør (窄峡港)
Panorama of Helsingør (窄峡市全景)
Saint Olaf's Church @ Helsingør (窄峡市·祖先后代教堂)
Model of Kronborg Layout (克伦“皇冠”堡布局模型)
The Crownwork Gate (皇冠门)
15th-Century Medieval Fortress to A Magnificent Renaissance Castle (从十五世纪中世纪堡垒到宏大的文艺复兴城堡 07-06-2016)
King's Tower & Trumpeter's Tower (国王塔与小号手塔 07-06-2016)
Moat (护城河)
Main Ramparts (城墙头) The Four-Gate Court (四门前庭) King Claudius & Queen Gertrude @ 400th Anniversary of William Shakespeare (莎翁400岁生日·瘸子国王与健壮王后)
62m-Tall Trumpeter's Tower (62米高的小号手塔 07-06-2016)
The Great Ballroom (大宴会厅 07-06-2016)
Paintings (油画)
Audience Hall (拜见厅)
Portal (内门)
Royal Chamber (皇家公寓)
Fireplace (壁炉)
Bed Chamber for King (国王卧室)
Bed Chamber for Queen (王后卧室)
King Frederik II's Wine Cellar from 1559 (自1559年起国王二世酒窖 07-06-2016)
Casements (暗炮台)
Dungeon Cell (地牢 07-06-2016)
Statue of Holger the Dane (雕像《丹麦岛之矛》07-06-2016) Crosslinks(相关博文): Denmark(出游丹麦)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |