2021-04-24 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day 【Aiden in English】 〖Columbia students take an active role in improving their community, whether in their residence hall, classes, or throughout New York City. Their actions, small or large, work to positively impact the lives of others. Share one contribution that you have made to your family, school, friend group, or another community that surrounds you. (200 words or fewer)〗 During middle school and high school, I volunteered at the Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center (GPCCC). Its mission is to promote cultural understanding among Philadelphia’s citizens. As the lead Chinese yoyo-ist, I have traveled to various venues around Philadelphia with my team to perform tricks with the spinning diabolos, from a local church’s New Year’s gala to Philadelphia Travel & Adventure Show or Lansdale International Spring Festival.
In the moments before each performance, I can always distinguish a faint murmur and giggles trickling through the crowds. It’s understandable, after all, when they see a row of young teens dressed in oriental costumes wielding sticks with strings and saucers; however, all commotion dies when the background track begins and my yoyo starts swinging.
After our performances, I often entertain young children with my diabolos while their parents explore the GPCCC materials. I teach them how to get the yoyo started, supporting the oversized sticks in their small hands.
“Cooooooool,” they say when the yoyos start to hum.
Through this, I have made connections with people from diverse backgrounds and shared some of my own experiences with them. By broadening our perspectives, we have been able to create a stronger, more understanding community.
〖无论是在学生宿舍、课堂还是纽约市区,哥伦比亚大学生踊跃投入改善社区活动之中。无论贡献多少,其所作所为都会对他人的生活产生积极影响。请分享你对家人、学校、朋友圈或周围社区所做的贡献。(不超过 200 个字)〗
表演结束后,我经常用空竹接待随同父母前来参观大费城文化中心的孩子,变换各种招式逗他们开心。我把大棍放到小不点手中,哄他们如何把空竹悠起来。 “酉…告…酷…”,当空竹开始嗡嗡作响,他们激动不已。 就这样我接触到不同背景的人,并不失时机分享自己的收获,藉之拓宽视野,以求彼此携手共建一个更加紧密、相互理解的社区。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2016年光华八年级B班壁报—我的夏天(2016 G8B Poster—My Summer) 2014 Fifth Grade Spring Concert(2014年五年级春季音乐会) Good Luck @ Philadelphia Travel & Adventure Show (费城旅游展·好运来 03/19/2016) Crosslink(相关博文): 12th Grade(高中四年级) |