2023-04-29 National Peace Rose Day
【Sunday Morning·VI (1923)】
Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Is there no change of death in paradise? Does ripe fruit never fall? Or do the boughs Hang always heavy in that perfect sky, Unchanging, yet so like our perishing earth, With rivers like our own that seek for seas They never find, the same receding shores That never touch with inarticulate pang? Why set the pear upon those river-banks Or spice the shores with odors of the plum? Alas, that they should wear our colors there, The silken weavings of our afternoons, And pick the strings of our insipid lutes! Death is the mother of beauty, mystical, Within whose burning bosom we devise Our earthly mothers waiting, sleeplessly. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《星期天早晨·之六》(1923)】 异乡人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 难道天堂里万物无生无灭? 莫非成熟的果实从不坠落?否则树枝 总是沉甸甸地悬挂在那完美的苍穹中, 亘古未变,而又酷似我们迭兴的尘世, 宛若我们的河流奔注大海 却永远无法到达,仿佛渐远的两岸 怎么说都难以汇合? 何必沿岸再献上梨儿 只不过让李子香飘满地? 哎呀,在那里它们该穿我们的衣裳, 我们午后的丝绸绫罗, 并弹奏我们乏味的琴弦! 死亡是美丽之母,神秘莫测, 她那爱心洋溢的怀抱犹如我们终将归返 书夜无眠等待我们的慈母。 【注】离宾州巨人山村好市多(Costco in Montgomeryville)仓储量贩店不远的购物中心新开张了一家大型自助餐,主要提供中、日式料理,看上去跟三年多前因新冠疫情而关闭的海港日式海鲜自助厅(Minado Japanese Seafood Buffet Restaurant)布局雷同,吃起来与铁板烧自助餐(Hibachi Buffet)味道相似,不过打点周六午餐的迫切心境早已把长膘的负疚感置之度外,再说生活本身当该拥抱自己忽悠情怀,将过往的抱憾付诸于现实,眼里种着太阳,脸上长着美景,心中住着滋润。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2021 How to Use College Education(如何利用大学教育)
General Castleman Statue @ Cherokee Triangle, KY (草地州洞穴者三角地·雕像《城堡人将军》04-28-1991) Atlantic City, NJ (新州大西洋城 04-05-1992) Old Exchange & Provost Dungeon, SC (南自由者州·旧时奴隶交易所与教区地牢 04-10-1993) Steinhardt Conservatory of Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NYC (纽约美溪区植物园·石斗士温室 04-30-1994) Eastbank @ Chinatown, NYC (纽约唐人街·大东银行 04-08-1995) The Beresford @ Central Park West, NYC (纽约中央公园西·麦津公寓大厦 04-20-1996) Stuyvesant Town-Peter Cooper Village over the East River, NYC (纽约东河上沙丘城——磐石·制桶商村 04-11-1997) United Nations @ Turtle Bay, NYC (纽约龟湾·联合国大厦 04-26-1998) Memorial of the 1st Black Mayoer in Maryland, Annapolis (尊贵女王城·海之星州第一位黑人市长纪念碑 04-04-1999) Romeo and Juliet @ Grounds for Sculpture, NJ (新州雕塑公园·《罗马朝圣者与罗马主神之子》04-09-2000) Prometheus Strangling the Vulture (1943) @ Philadelphia Museum of Art (费城艺术博物馆·1943作品《勒死秃鹫的前思者》04-15-2001) Financial Ctr @ the Bank of Hudson River, NJ (新州·勇者之子河畔金融中心 04-06-2002) > 1-Mo-Old Baby @ Home, NJ (新州本家·一个多月大的娃 04-11-2003) Toddler-I @ Roll-over from NJ to PA (从新州搬到宾州·小幼儿生 04-25-2004) Toddler-II @ Front Yard, PA (宾州本家前院·大幼儿生 04-09-2005) Preschool-I @ Subway Station of American Natural History Museum, NYC (纽约美洲自然历史博物馆地铁站·小幼童生 04-15-2006) Preschool-II in Front of Monumental Engel Clock @ National Watch & Clock Museum, PA (宾州国家手表挂钟博物馆·大幼童生在“不朽的天使闹钟”前 04-22-2007) Pre-Kindergarten under the Nose of HMS Surprise, Maritime Museum @ Embarcadero, CA (火炉州金枪鱼港·学前班预科生在海事博物馆惊喜号邮轮前 04-05-2008) Kindergarteners' Hands on Head @ UGCLC, PA (宾州上快乐儿童学习中心·学前班生双手抱头 04-22-2009) 1st Grade Spring Break @ Fairmount Waterworks along the Schuylkill River, PA (费城暗河畔庄园自来水厂·小学一年级春假 04-10-2010) 2nd Grade Spring Break @ Statues of Ramses II on the Facade of Great Temple of Abu Simbel (13C BC), Egypt (埃及公元前13世纪修建的太阳神殿众王之子二世雕像·小学二年级春假 04-06-2011) 3rd Grader @ Philadelphia Union. vs. Columbus Crew, PPL Park of Chester in PA (宾州兵营城宾州电力与照明公司公园·小学三年级生观看费城联合队与鸽子机组队足球比赛 04-14-2012) 4th Grade Spring Break @ Kicker Rock of Galapagos, Ecuador (厄瓜多尔达尔文群岛鞋子石·小学四年级春假 04-05-2013) Brother & Sister Allied @ the Recreation Soccer, PA (宾州娱乐足球赛·上阵兄妹兵 04-26-2014) 6th Grader @ Spring Concert, PA (宾州春季音乐会·初一生 04-23-2015) 7th Grader @ the Nave of Trinity Church, NYC (纽约三一教堂正厅·初二生 04-11-2016) 8th Grader w/ the Bucher's Knife @ Home, PA (宾州本家·初三生主刀做饭 04-16-2017) 9th Grader @ Yo-Yo, Lansdale Intl Spring Festival of PA (宾州林间旷地国际春节·高一生抖空竹 04-21-2018)
10th Grader in the Sight of Giant Three-Way Plug (Cube Tap 1970) @ Philadelphia Museum of Art (费城艺术博物馆1970年作品《巨型三角插头》·高二生 04-27-2019) 11th Grade Spring Break @ Waiting for Tear Gas (1938), Philadelphia Museum of Art (费城艺术博物馆1938年作品《等待催泪气》·高三春假 04-05-2020) 12th Grade Spring Break @ Amy Salon during the Pandemics, PA (宾州新冠疫情期间悦己发廊·高四春假 04-11-2021) Cherry Allée @ Centennial Arboretum, Philadelphia (费城百年植物园·樱花大道 04-08-2022) Lunch @ Asiana Grand Buffet, PA (宾州亚洲自助餐·午餐 04-29-2023) Crosslink(相关博文): USA(出游美国) |