2012-12-25 Christmas Day 【Aiden in English】
"Merry Christmas!" shouted the Princess Captain loud enough to be heard miles away in the morning. "Merry Christmas to All" I didn't think my mom set a wake-up call, but our captain did set the mood for the day. As I got dressed, he kept us in touch with the weather and talked for hours. The basic point was that there would be a chilly, breezy day ahead. My mom brought me some doughnuts for breakfast. They weren't what a person like me would bite. This morning, Santa Claus was coming to visit all the children under 17 years old. So she and I set out to see him in Princess Plaza where it is packed with all ages of people! When it was my turn to sit on Santa's lap, Santa handed a package to me. I had no doubt that it was a teddy bear. So far I had stocked up a variety of collections from the previous cruises. I spent the rest of the morning watching movies. Before we went to lunch, there was a safety video about washing hands. The video itself seemed longer than expected. It repeated everything my kindergarten teachers taught, except that washing hands sounded a lot better than hand-sanitizing.
When only a flavor and nutrient soup would do for lunch, the Princess chicken broth offered a distinct, richer, longer-lasting but salty experience. My tongue burned on the first sip! For my entree, parmesan chicken with fries fed me perfectly. The chicken was simply delightful. Although the layer outside would've probably left me toothless, the savor inside was a smooth, tender piece of delicious meat. If my mother wasn't there, I might have ordered another one.
It was the very Christmas Day that we finally had time to enjoy daily afternoon tea consisting of cakes, cooks, biscuits with a cup of coffee. The temperature started to wake up. Before I knew it, I was sweating so much that if I were willing, I could swim in my own stinky pond of sweat. Then my mom asked if we could go to the gymnasium for a workout a bit. That was completely my sour spot. As soon as she proposed it, I jumped and yelled at her "NO"!!! I gave up when my mom dragged me halfway across the ship to the gym. But I was surprised that watching TV while running on a treadmill was pretty relaxing. But when I returned, I thought my sweat might have created an ocean at my feet. The next moment, I was drawing in darkness as I closed my eyes for a nap. 【红霞译文】
“圣诞节快乐”!一大早,“公主”号游轮船长的道贺声立刻传遍数里开外。“恭祝大家圣诞节快乐!”我觉得妈妈事先并没有设置电话叫醒服务,不过船长的问候确实带给我们一个良好的开端。我一边穿衣服,一边听他详细介绍当地气候,简而言之,寒风临近。 妈妈拿来几种油炸圆饼让我权作早餐充饥,可没有一个是我喜欢的。今天上午,圣诞老人要来看望游轮上所有十七岁以下的青少年儿童婴孩,因此,我们得去“公主广场”与各界同胞一起恭候他老人家大驾光临!我坐到圣诞老人腿上,亲手接过他送的礼物,没等打开包装,我就猜出一定是泰迪熊。迄今为止,我已经从以往游轮上收集了不少这样的礼物。接下来,我靠电影来打发时间。午餐前,我还看了一部有关卫生保健的录相,说是用水洗手要比用清洁液洗手好得多,录相带很长,反复唠叨学前班老师经常教诲的话题。 倘若你讲究午餐喝汤的营养美味,那么“公主”号鸡汤绝对烹饪特殊、汁液鲜美、耐人寻味、甚至咸得过头。初尝一口,嘴巴被烫痛了!我喜欢巴马干酪鸡扒和薯条作主餐,外焦里嫩,火候恰到好处。如果母亲不在场,我一定会再要一份鸡扒。 多亏今天是圣诞节,不然我们哪会这般休闲享用每天午茶提供的蛋糕、桃苏、饼干、咖啡等风味小吃?气温开始回升,不知不觉地,我已经热得大汗淋漓。恰在这时,妈妈提议到健身房锻炼身体,这下可戳到了我的软肋,没等她说完,我跳起来厉声反驳:“不!”后来拗不过她生拉硬拽,我只好来此走个过场,没想到在跑步机上一边运动一边看着电视,感觉相当惬意。等回到住处,双脚好像浸没在汗水横溢的海洋,我情不自禁地闭上眼睛,一下子坠入梦乡。
Santa Claus @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮——圣诞老人 12-25-2012)
Bar @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮——吧台 12-25-2012)
Gymnasium @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮——健身房 12-25-2012)
Lunch @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—午餐 12-25-2012)
English Afternoon Tea @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—英式午茶 12-25-2012)
English Afternoon Tea @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—英式午茶 12-25-2012)
English Afternoon Tea @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—英式午茶 12-25-2012) Dinner @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—晚餐 12-25-2012)
Forehand Drive @ Star Princess (公主·星辰号游轮—正手对攻 12-25-2012) 相关博文:
2010: 节日礼物(Holiday Gifts)
2009: 新西兰基督城(Christchurch, NZ) South America(漂流南美洲) 小学四年级(4th Grade)