【Aiden in English】
Vienna is Austria's capital city, famous for its lavish music concerts. “Salute to Vienna" brings joyful waltzes to the New Year and has become so popular that it has affected people all around the globe. This performance is being done everywhere during the holiday season as a gala goes on, like in Vienna back in 1899. Today, Salute to Vienna is on its grand stage at the Verizon Hall of the Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia. Mom and I are determined to see it. Salute to Vienna is usually cheerful and happy with the music of “Waltz King” Johann Strauss Jr. as ballet dancers glide across the stage to the sounds of “The Blue Danube.” We were on the Tier 2 floor, and the air was buzzing. The holiday season's spirit was here, giving me a big first impression. As we got situated, the lights dimmed, and on came the Philly Pops Orchestra. When the shiny trombones led the sleek clarinets and the glamorous violins, the cellists slowly took their seats on the other side. More and more instruments entered the stage. Finally, the conductor, András Deák, dressed in a black suit, walked onto his podium with his baton, and the audience hushed. Without waiting, the orchestra launched into a quick and fast piece, Overture to Countess Maritza by Emmerich Kálmán, to open up the concert. It featured loudness and softness, forte, and piano. The dynamics increased, decreasing the tempo like a wave crashing against the shore. It stunned the audience with a dazzling performance. Followed by “Heia in Den Bergen” from Gypsy Princess by Emmerich Kálmán, a soprano, Sera Gösche, sang it well, especially with her beautiful staccato. It sounded like a blue jay’s chirps. Then, the ballet dancers articulated their classical walk in the Pointe shoes. As the next song began, it was too obvious for a Johann Strauss' Waltz. They moved with a three-beat rhythm and executed some spins and twirls as Kiss Waltz played. The waltz comprised melodies, and the orchestra picked up the pace. Around and around they went gracefully until the song stopped. Soon came on a tenor, Michael Heim, whose voice reminded me of Andrea Bocelli’s. He could change movement quickly, which always sounded suitable for all musicians. Like this, the performers rotated singing, dancing, dancing, singing, and to the end. Mom asked me to listen to the last piece for its tradition. It was called Radetzky March by Johann Strauss. The song was initiated with a fast, enthusiastic, and upbeat tone. The conductor then began clapping to the best motioning for the audience to do so, too. We clapped along with him. Ultimately, he faked a clap, which threw the audience offbeat, and we laughed loudly. Salute to Vienna was absolutely a fabulous year-end show. It started awesome and ended on a perfect note, musically and literally. 【红霞译】
接着女高音公主•口送上《吉卜赛公主·山中之乐》中一首抒情片段“山中告别”,我觉得她把断音部分处理得不错,听起来像只蓝喜鹊引吭高歌。 芭蕾舞演员脚穿足尖鞋,昂头挺胸优雅地登台。不用多说,这回准要表演神慈•鸵鸟的圆舞曲。当乐队奏出“吻之舞”时,他们闻歌起舞,随着优美的旋律跳起节奏感强情绪饱满的三拍子华尔兹,扭呀扭,转啊转,浪漫地勾勒出一幅幅令人陶醉的图画,直到音乐结束。 不久,男高音神赐•家向观众献唱,其歌声让我情不自禁地想起意大利歌唱家男子汉•波切利。“神赐”能自如地掌控音区的变化,这对达到一定水平的歌唱家来说非常重要。
再往后的节目均由艺术家们轮番出台,唱完了跳,跳完了唱。妈妈提醒我注意最后一首保留曲目,即神慈•鸵鸟“拉德斯基进行曲”。这首乐曲引子钪镪有力,节奏激昂,旋律丰富。其间,指挥“斗士”带领观众随力度的强弱和节奏的快慢来一起鼓掌打拍子,我们积极互动,临结束时,他有意将手悬在半空不动,结果大家无法控制自己的节奏而抢拍了一下,逗得全场观众放声大笑。 “向维也纳致敬”称得上年终难得的娱乐演出。无论从音乐角度还是字面意义上说,它自始自终带给人美的享受。 City Hall on North Broad St (北宽街上市政厅大厦 12-28-2014)
City Hall on South Broad St (南宽街上市政厅大厦 12-28-2014)
Masonic Temple (共济会会所)
Union League of Philadelphia (费城工会联盟)
Sculpture: Government of the People (雕塑《人民执政》)
Benjamin Franklin, Craftsman (《工匠受宠之子·自由地主》)
Bliss Restaurant Contemporary American Cuisine (极乐·当代费城美食 12-28-2014)
Crisscross Applesauce @ Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts (莨蒿种子表演艺术中心·十字交叉苹果酱 11-25-2006)
Statues of Beloved @ Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts (莨蒿种子表演艺术中心·《心爱的人》 12-17-2006)
Salute to Vienna @ Verizon Hall (真理音乐厅《向维也纳致敬》12-28-2014)
Finale of Salute to Vienna (《向维也纳致敬》终曲)
6th Grade(初中一年级) |