【Aiden in English】
I’ve been in the Chinese Yo-Yo club since I heard about it at Guanghua Chinese School. Although many people have come and gone, I was the person who never quit. It isn’t much to be proud of. Yet, it’s a passion I have, so I feel closer to the club than some other activities. It is also why I’m now its teacher assistant. Being a TA seems like a double-edged sword. I can learn and teach kids, which is oddly soothing, and I can follow a hobby that has grown on me. However, it requires many performances, and performances lead to disappointing failures. The thrill of the lights shining on your face is an enjoyable experience. The pressure mounted on the performers is exhilarating, and it gives you a good scare when the Yo-Yo is in motion on a trick. There’s always that one factor of fear when your friend might mess up. The funny thing is, usually, when I feel scared for others, it’s me who screws up the show the most. Maybe I should do my job well and then worry about others. Chinese New Year has come around again, and none of the Yo-yo teams is enthusiastic. We aren’t quite prepared, to say the least. Most of this year’s song entitled “Sky Is Blue” was about the blue sky, so we finally got down a similar costume for everyone: a white t-shirt and light blue pants. The pants were ordered from a website, so they arrived late. And that was only one of the minor problems. The song being played in the background was about 3 minutes long. We kept going over that limit. The thing is, with performances like the Gala, timing is the key. Therefore, to time everything out, we needed a signal to show where the ending was occurring for the performer and the little kids. Because of the age gap, there were more experienced folks like me who understood the show's outline. Then there were the little kids, who frolic around in the background during the performance's climax. This year’s preparation was why our teacher decided not to have younger kids or new additions perform next year; some children just can’t be controlled. Luckily, there wasn’t much embarrassment on stage this time. Those who were expected to screw up pretty much screwed up. For once, I had no issues with the great combo I did every year because I had nothing else to do. The highlight, however, came last: a friend of mine performing double Yo-Yos. Its name is self-explanatory, as he circled two Yo-Yos on one stick for as long as he could or until the song's end. After messing up once, he quickly recovered and tried once more, in which he successfully pulled off a great series of tosses. As for the overall performance, I must say it was one of our best ones yet. The entire performance seemed to be in our control because there were no areas where we felt embarrassed. It feels good to go out into the lights and deliver. 【红霞译】 自从听说宾州光华中文学校开设空竹班起,我便报名参与至今,其间有不少同伴像走马灯似的来了去去了来,可我始终没打退堂鼓,在此并非有意标榜自己,是热情伴随我体尝到没有其它任何运动所能替代的乐趣。
农历新年再度来临,空竹班学生没有表现出高度热情,依我看大家准备得并不充分。这次舞台配乐为《天蓝蓝》,曲中大多描述蓝色天空,因此我们决定统一服装:白汗衫浅蓝裤,裤子都是网购产品,到货时间直逼登台日子,除此而外,其它一切按步就绪。串场音乐前后仅有三分钟,但凡每次练习我们肯定超时,像这种大型文艺演出关键因素在于遵守时间,因此为了确保如期完成走台过程,我们安排一个暗号提示全班人马做好收尾准备,这样不仅对身经百战的老油条有用,而且对初显身手的嫩豆芽照样管事。由于空竹班彼此之间年纪相差悬殊,以我为代表的老生派对登场一招一式早已心中有数,而活泼好动的后备军时不时呆在蓝天白云背景屏幕前嬉戏玩耍,我们老师见状横定决心,来年避免启用不知天高地厚的愣头青儿,大庭广众面前有些小不点管不住自己真让你没辙,好在这回大家并没有尴尬得下不来台,原来平日活蹦乱跳的小家伙因为怯场而有所收敛。针对本人实况,我破天荒头一次毋庸担心全套组合,既然没有推出新花样,只好吃老本把看家本领拿来重新演示一番,然而最精彩的压轴戏要算咱哥们抖的双空竹。顾名思义,他让两个空竹围绕一根棍子转悠,直到曲终整个节目完毕,中间虽出过一次意外,但迅速找回感觉恢复竞技状态,并成功完成一系列高抛惊险动作。 就整体表现而言,我承认今年恐怕是历来表现最棒的一次,好就好在事后大家没发觉有啥遗憾,每人都发挥出正常水平,众目睽睽之下如愿实现心中设想,着实让人欣慰。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 筹备“宾州光华中文学校龙年春节联欢会”有感 2008: 多米尼克—加勒比天然岛(Nature Isle of the Caribbean, Dominica)
The Opening (开场舞)
The Leading Singer (领唱)
The Leading Singer (领唱)
Master of Ceremonies (司仪)
Kindergarteners (学前班)
KG Teacher Nina (学前班妮娜老师)
Ducklings (小鸭子)
Happy Baby Birds (《快乐的小鸟》)
CES (汉语作为第二语言班)
3rd Graders (三年级)
6th Graders (六年级学生)
9th Graders (九年级)
Beginners of the Dancing Class (舞蹈班·初级班)
Beginners of the Dancing Class (舞蹈班·初级班)
Intermediate Performance of the Dancing Class (舞蹈班·中级班) Leading Role of the Dancing Class (舞蹈班·领舞)
Intermediate Performance of the Dancing Class (舞蹈班·中级班)
Fan Dancing (扇子舞)
Choir Class (合唱班)
Principle Heng & Board Members of MCCC (游校长与蒙哥马利郡社区学院董事会成员)
Principle Heng & Cultural Counselors of the Chinese Consulate General in New York (游校长与中国驻纽约领事馆文化参赞)
Audience (观众席)
Parents & Teachers (家长与老师)
Celebration Ceremony (庆祝仪式)
Yo-You Class (空竹班 01-29-2017)
Tibetan Dancing (藏族舞蹈)
Mongolian Dancing (蒙古舞)
Mongolian Dancing (蒙古舞)
Poetry Class (诗歌班)
Musical Instrument Class (乐器班)
Musical Instrument Class (乐器班)
Musical Instrument Class (乐器班)
Opera Class (歌剧班)
Parent Dancing Class (家长舞蹈班)
Parent Dancing Class (家长舞蹈班)
Square Dancing (广场舞)
Dancing Directors (舞蹈指导们)
Finale (终场)
All Performers on Stage (全体演员)
Back Stage (后台) Crosslinks(相关博文): The 2016 Year of Monkey Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过猴年) The 2015 Year of Goat Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过羊年) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |