2016-02-14 【Aiden in English】
The Chinese New Year Gala is excellent and hosted by Guanghua Chinese School of PA. However, it is stressful for the students performing on the stage. It’s tough when your parents always act like the people on Shark Tank, not interested in anything. You get an A; they want an A+. You get an A+. They want an A++. You find the cure to AIDs. They want you to find the cure to cancer. You get used to it after a bit, yet it’s very frustrating, especially when the parents are rarely impressed. In general, the Chinese are characterized by pessimism. Instead of seeing how well someone does a skill, they always look at what they don’t do well. I want those judges to try to match my skills after today. Don’t do your best; do your best. That’s my challenge to all those people like my mom who went Aiden; you messed up! Well, it’s no one like you who can do these Yo-Yo tricks after only a five-minute practice. The show started fair enough. Nothing was out of the ordinary other than the obvious threat of being embarrassed in front of a crowd. It was another Chinese Yo-Yo performance. You know, the performance can make some people go nuts. For example, a kid couldn’t complete his trick, although I still doubted his practice. Instead, he took one of my tricks, so I improvised. The new move wasn’t hard… unless you performed in five minutes. It was called the… Chopsticks. I just made it up on the spot. Anyway, you held the sticks like… chopsticks and hopped the Yo-Yo up between the sticks, then on top, and if talented, went back down. It was accompanied by a trick I did last year. Therefore, it should be no problem. I wasn’t nervous. Yeah, everyone said that, but I wasn’t nervous until all the solos before me messed up here or there. The kid who tried my trick dropped the Yo-Yo and almost had it roll off stage (that would’ve sucked). Thus, without any pressure (sarcasm), I flawlessly went through the older trick and later moved on to the… Chopsticks (maybe I should find a better name). So, going up was no problem. Then, I realized how squished my index finger was between the sticks. Ouch! As you guessed, the Yo-Yo plopped on the floor on the way down. The room went silent for a second, and all you could hear was the music. Soon, a gasp erupted from the crowd. All I could think was how, at least, they didn’t say I was a disgrace to the Yo-Yo team. After all, it was a very Chinese thing to say. And there you have it, folks. I’m famous not because I completed a trick but because I missed one. I can only say that no one who thought I was terrible could match my best. So until I see some skill, I’m throwing out all the criticism, as there’s no weight behind the punch. 【红霞译文】
我并不紧张,是的没错,大家到头来还以为我怯场,说真的根本没那回事,何况在我上阵之前,所有单人特技表演或多或少均有失误,前面提到那位跟我横刀夺爱的哥们把空竹抖到了地上,而且空竹差点滚到台下,后果不堪设想。这么一来,在没有任何压力的前提下(天大的笑话),我漂亮地完成了老套动作,然后拿出……“筷子”(也许该起个更好听的名字)。上抛空竹一点不成问题,接下来我发觉食指被勒在两根棍子之间动弹不得,哎哟!你猜得出,空竹下落时一头“栽”到地上。顷刻之间,全场鸦雀无声,唯有音乐伴奏依然在大厅里回响,随后观众们不约而同地发出了一声叹嘘,幸亏空竹团队的光辉形象并未因此受到什么影响,毕竟咱中国人讲究面子哇。 对不住亲们,这下我名声在外,说来不是因为完成整套动作,而是出于临场失误,我想借机申述一点,本人水平有限,但确实尽了自己最大努力,针对各种批评意见,我将本着“有则改之无则加勉”的原则,争取提高技艺。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 CNY Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo @ CGCC(2015年神州教会抖空竹) 2014: Descriptive—The Most Admired Person(记叙文—最佩服的人) 2011: 上钢琴课的路上(On Way to Piano Lesson) 2009: 孩子成长驻我行(Growth in Life) 
Welcome Spring w/ Lively Golden Monkeys (开场歌舞·金猴闹春) 
Good Luck (好运来 02-14-2016) 
Tashi Delek (扎西德勒) 
Master of Ceremonies (庆典主持人) 
Descendants of the Dragon (龙的传人) 
I'm proud I'm Chinese (我自豪我是中国人) 
Golden Smile (金色的微笑) 
Treading the Waves (踏浪) 
A Thousand Red (千红) 
Spirited (激情) 
Good Luck (好运来 02-14-2016) 
Dream in Boudoir (闺房春梦) 
Jasmine Flowers (茉莉花) 
Little Ponies (小马队) 
32-Form Tai Chi Sword (32式太极剑) 
Let's Sway Twin Oars (让我们荡起双桨) 
Beautiful Ladies in Cheongsam Dresses (穿旗袍的美女) 
Chit-Chat about Chinese Food (中餐杂谈) 
Latin Line Dance (拉丁排舞) 
Girls on the Prairie (草原姑娘) 
Sharing Happiness Together (难忘今宵) 
Happy Year of Monkey (猴年大吉 02-14-2016)

Mom & Daughter Actress (妈妈和演员女儿) 
Mom & Daughter Actress (妈妈和演员女儿) 
Hula (呼啦圈) 
Mini Bowling (微型保龄球) 
Rope Skipping (跳绳) Crosslinks(相关博文): The 2015 Year of Goat Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo(抖空竹过羊年) 2014光华马年春节联欢会(2014 CNY Celebration @ GHCS) 2012: 筹备“宾州光华中文学校龙年春节联欢会”有感 7th Grade(初中二年级) |