2014-08-12 【Aiden in English】
Plague Inc. is the most addicting free game on the app store. The plot is simple. Kill everyone by viruses, bacteria, fungi, or contagious diseases. I know it sounds gross, but it's fantastic. You learn a ton about how outbreaks spread. The best part is watching a virus take over the world is fun. However, you don't just watch and wait. You mutate the virus, and it gets much more powerful. Soon, the virus can travel through air particles and water. Yet, as I said, the objective is to kill the world, not give everyone a rash. So, you should upgrade the symptoms. This is where people get grossed out. Don't worry, there aren't any pictures. The most severe symptoms are coma and almost instant death. But there are more painful ways to die. I'll leave thoughts for you to find out. Games are everywhere, and there are different kinds. But Plague Inc. is really a chip off the old block, and that's the best way I can put it. 【红霞译】
《瘟疫公司》是“软件应用商店”免费提供的特别上瘾的电子游戏,其意图相当明确,让病毒、细菌、真菌或传染病在世上泛滥成灾蚕食人类。我知道,乍听上去《瘟疫公司》非常恶心,一旦玩起来却相当有意思,你能学到很多有关瘟疫爆发的情形。最好玩的部分莫过于眼睁睁地看着病毒控制世界。然而,你不是旁观者,而是亲自让病毒发生变异,使其更具杀伤力,这样的话,病毒才很快地在悬浮粒子和水分子之中传播开来。 如我所说,游戏的目的就是要销毁地球,而非得什么皮肤红肿无关紧要的疾病。如此一来,你应该不断使病症加剧,这正是令人抓狂的地方。不过千万不要担心,游戏本身没有任何示意图片,而最严重的病情顶多出现昏迷,近乎当场死亡。死亡的方式五花八门,我留待你自己去发挥想像力。 游戏无处不在千变万化,《瘟疫公司》推陈出新,我对它评价极高。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 朋友生日聚会(David's B-D Party)
Plague Inc. (《瘟疫公司》)
Plague Inc: Evolved (《瘟疫公司:进化》) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |