【Aiden in English】
My grandmother's birthday is coming up. I know, why would you care? So what…, but this event is unique. The day after today will be her eightieth birthday, which is monumental for anyone. However, I must say, these milestones in life are much less hyped now than at other times. Nevertheless, Grandma’s birthday deserves some recognition. So, as usual in this household, Mom brought us to a friendly Golden City Chinese Restaurant for dinner. Although the food was great, I didn't want to talk about the tastes of the night. Most of my audience has tired of my ramblings about the same adjectives used in Chinese food. In school, English class talked about themes involving milestones, such as passing a certain age. They say living past eighteen, twenty-one, and thirty are the significant age milestones of the front half of life, but I think turning eighty is a massive milestone in general. Before medicine and technology allowed people to beat disease and prolong health, living to eighty was a surprising and fantastic feat. However, nowadays, turning eighty has almost become routine. So why should we celebrate it? Turning 80 years old means that you have lived through 79 years of bashing, smashing, and tearing events that want to stop your heart. It symbolizes strength, determination, and a will to live. Turning 80 also shows the experience within. By now, all critical advice can and should be taken seriously. Furthermore, the “respect your elders” motto becomes even more potent as older people's leverage grows bigger and bigger. They’ve seen so much in their lives, and their views on things can be much more logical and wiser than those of teenagers facing stress and peer pressure. Turning 80 is a milestone that I hope to reach one day. Although it may be a long time, time always seems to find a way to sneak up on you. If 14 years can go by this fast, think about only how much longer it will take for 80 years. When life keeps chucking bombs at your head, years tick away large chunks at a time. The funny thing is that it slows down when you think about time. When you stop thinking about it, the watch begins to speed up. Maybe if I thought about time all the time, I wouldn’t grow old. Anyway, I'll soon be giving out advice to the youngsters myself. Happy Birthday, Grandma! 【红霞译】
到了80岁表明您见多识广,现在大家对您的先见之明言听计从。此外,随着老年人作用越来越大, “尊敬长辈” 的座右铭也越来越盛行,比起面临内在心理与外在同学双重压力的青少年,他们经验丰富阅历深厚。
80岁也是我期盼有朝一日达到的里程碑,尽管要花上很长一段时间,但是白驹过隙,岁月总是不知不觉地从你眼皮底下溜走。我的意思是,假若14岁如弹指一挥间,那么不妨考虑一下80年究竟需要多久。当你日理万机,大把光阴一晃而过;有趣的是,当你盯着它不放,时间过得很慢,可当你由它而去,时间过得很快。也许我老想打发工夫,因此一时半会儿成熟不起来。 无论如何,不久我将到了给年轻一代现身说教的年龄。 祝外婆生日快乐! Today in History(历史上的今天): 2012: 新论大智若愚(Still Water Runs Deep) 2011: 生日聚会后续─自选礼物(Gift Selection) Mom's 80-Yr-Old BD @ Golden City Chinese Restaurant (金城酒家·外婆80岁庆生宴 03-05-2017)
Sweet Potato BD Cake (甘薯生日蛋糕)
Stewed Assorted Delicacies (全家福)
Stir-Fried Frog w/ Chinese Yellow Chives (韭黄炒青蛙)
Vegetable Lo Mein (蔬菜捞面)
Sizzling Eggplant Stuffed w/ Mashed Shrimp in Oyster Sauce (蚝油虾泥茄盒)
Sauteed Lamb w/ Scallions (葱爆羊肉)
Fruit Platter (果盘) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015: Grandma's 78th Birthday @ Peony Pavilion Asian Fusion, NJ(新州牡丹亭现代亚洲餐馆庆外婆78岁生日) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |