2023-01-21 National Granola Bar Day
The aim and final end of all music should be none other than the glory of God and the refreshment of the soul. Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Music is what tells us that the human race is greater than we realize. Ephesians 5:19 says, “singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart.” It is to him and about him that we sing! Singing has such a unique way of bringing your heart, soul, mind, and strength together to focus entirely and completely on God. 每年春节期间,宾州神州基督教会(China Grace Christian Church or CGCC)都以各种音乐形式庆祝中国新年,音乐不仅表达无法用语言抒发的思想,而且还表达无法用言语再现的精神,正如近代世界音乐之父巴赫曾表示,所有音乐的目标和宗旨都该是上帝的荣耀和圣灵的重生。毕竟,透过音乐,人类比我们想象的更伟大。
【圣经新约·向往者第五章第19节】“要用心歌唱耶和华。”众生为他而歌,为他而唱!歌唱采用如此独特的方式,以此将人的心扉、灵魂、思想和力量聚集在一起,完完全全地专注于上帝。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2023 Chinese NY's Eve, Kicking off the Year of Rabbit(兔年除夕) 2020 An Attempt on Leadership(初试领导才能)
2017 Twp Rec Basketball Game-3(2017年乡村娱乐篮球第三场比赛) Preschool-I along The Path of Grace (《恩典之路》·小幼童生01-28-2006) Go Rest High On That Mountain in Hymn (赞美诗《长眠在高山之巅》02-12-2011) 3rd Grader w/ a Chorus of My Chinese Hearts (合唱《我的中国心》·小学三年级生 01-21-2012) 3rd Grader in Tarantelle (《蜘蛛之舞》·小学三年级生 01-21-2012) 6th Grader for Grand China in Yo-Yo (抖空竹《大中国》·初一生 02-14-2015) 7th Grader w/ Jehovah Full Bless in Hymn (赞美诗《耶和华祝福满满》·初二生 02-13-2016) 8th Grader w/ The King of Love My Shepherd in Hymn (赞美诗《善牧慈恩》·初三生 01-28-2017) 9th Grader w/ Jesus in the Bible in Hymn (赞美诗《圣经中的耶稣》·高一生 02-17-2018) Unforgettable Tonight (《难忘今宵》02-09-2019) Chinese New Year's Eve (兔年除夕 01-21-2023) Potluck Dinner (百乐聚餐 01-21-2023) Rain of Blessing in Hymn (赞美诗《主赐福如春雨》) Live out Love in Choir (赞美诗合唱《活出爱》) La Camparsita in Accordion Solo (手风琴独奏《小铃铛》) He Got His Whole World in His Hand in Children's Performance (童声表演唱《永远在神的手中》) Nostalgia in Soprano Duet (女高音二重唱《乡音乡情》) Guess who I am (猜猜我是谁?) Song of Blue Bird in Poem Recital Accompanied w/ Music (配乐诗朗诵《蓝鸟之歌》) You Raise Me Up in Baritone (男中音独唱《你鼓励我》) Praise the Lord, O My Soul《我的心要称颂耶和华》) Recalling on the Phoenix Terrace in Flute (箫独奏《凤凰台上忆吹箫》) Mom-Daughter in Duet of Looking up @ Moon (母女二人唱《望月》) 3 Sentences & a Half of the Elites from CGCC (三句半《神州精兵》) Rasa Sayang Hey in Cantonese-Malay (粤语马来组唱《主的爱》) Talk Show about the Middle Ages (脱口秀《人到中年》) Talk Show Performer's College Grad-to-Be Daughter @ Scene (脱口秀表演者大学即将毕业的大女儿到场助威) Let Others See Jesus in You (《让人从你认识耶稣》) Pear Blossom Again Accompanied by Vocal (吉他谈唱《梨花又开花》) Gloria in Singspiration Group (唱乐组合《荣耀颂歌》) The Child of God in Singspiration Group (唱乐组合《神的孩子》) My Strength In The Wilderness (《狂野中唯一的力量》) The Sophomore w/ Lift My Eyes to the Hills (《我要向高山举目》·大二生 01-21-2023)
Crosslinks(相关博文): 2018 CNY Gala @ CGCC(2018年神州基督教会春晚联欢) 2017 CNY Gala @ CGCC, PA(2017年宾州神州基督教会春晚联欢) 2015 CNY Celebrated w/ Yo-Yo @ CGCC, PA(2015年宾州神州教会抖空竹) Sophomore(大学二年级'2022-23)