2023-03-30 National Doctors Day
【Sunday Morning·II (1923)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) Why should she give her bounty to the dead? What is divinity if it can come Only in silent shadows and in dreams? Shall she not find in comforts of the sun, In pungent fruit and bright, green wings, or else In any balm or beauty of the earth, Things to be cherished like the thought of heaven? Divinity must live within herself: Passions of rain, or moods in falling snow; Grievings in loneliness, or unsubdued Elations when the forest blooms; gusty Emotions on wet roads on autumn nights; All pleasures and all pains, remembering The bough of summer and the winter branch. These are the measures destined for her soul. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《星期天早晨·之二》(1923)】 異鄉人·史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【紅霞譯】 她為何要給逝者做奉獻? 什麼樣的神性只是出現 在無聲的陰影和靜寂的夢鄉? 難道陽光下她找不到信仰, 刺鼻的水果與翠綠的翅膀,甚至其它 任何慰藉或世間美好, 得像天道一樣加以珍惜? 神性必須走進她的生活: 豪情如雨下,心緒如雪落; 孤獨寂寥中的悲戚,或難抑 林花盛開時的喜悅;蕩漾 秋夜泥濘道路上的情感; 所有的快樂和全部的痛苦,懷戀 夏日的粗枝乃至冬天的枯條。 這些註定成為衡量她靈魂的準繩。 【注】如今網購物品、在線交易(付款、轉賬……)、遠程工作、視頻會議等風起雲湧,仿真門診也早已見怪不怪,可是“虛擬急診”卻超乎我個人的想象力,但沒吃過豬肉,難道還未曾見過豬跑? 最近因為陪同突患扁桃腺膿腫的母親前往賓州父城醫院打點滴,我才對虛擬急診有了切身認識。即使身在急診室現場,你有幸在確定治療方案時見到醫生本人,並且僅此而已,隨後除了當班護士護工忙裡忙外,急診科大夫(包括實習生)猶如神龍,見首不見尾,簡直形同虛設。因此,如果迫不得已,最好到私人診所去看具有專業水準的資深醫師。 Today in History(歷史上的今天):
2013: Sierra Region, Ecuador(厄瓜多爾北部山區) The 1st Easter w/ Marie & Henry (來美後與海之星和宮主星共度第一個復活節 03-31-1991) Downtown St Louis, MO (密蘇里“獨木舟人”州·名將聖城市中心 03-13-1992) Museum at Eldridge Street in NYC (紐約·聖君街博物館 03-21-1993) Rose Window @ St Patrick Cathedral, NYC (紐約高貴聖徒大教堂·玫瑰花窗 03-27-1994) Stained Glass @ Trinity Church, NYC (紐約三一教堂·彩窗 03-25-1995) St. Paul the Apostle Church, NYC (紐約卑微聖徒教堂 03-31-1996) Lower Manhattan against Hudson River, NYC (紐約勇將之子河上山島區下城 03-08-1997) St. Michael's Church, NYC (紐約·天使長教堂 03-29-1998) Catholic Univ of America, DC (華府·美國天主教大學 03-31-1999) Great Swamp Natl Wildlife Refuge, NJ (新州大沼澤地野生動物保護區 03-05-2000) Basilica of St. Patrick's Old Cathedral, NYC (紐約·老尊貴聖徒大教堂 03-18-2001) Basalt Lava Rocks in Mexico City (墨西哥城·玄武岩熔岩 03-01-2002) A Baby @ about 1-Mo-Old, NJ (新州·一個月大 03-28-2003) Toddler-I Standing by Grandma, NJ (新州本家·外婆的陪練——小幼兒生 03-22-2004) Toddler-II @ Disney of Alice in Wonderland in Open Canvas Giclee by Thomas Kinkade Studios (“雙·戰鬥領袖”工作室——大幼兒生在繪圖軟件製作的藝術微噴《優雅女孩夢遊仙境》前 03-25-2005)
Preschool-I @ Adventure Aquarium, NJ (新州探險水族館·小幼童生 03-25-2006) Preschool-II @ Barnes & Noble Bookstore, PA (賓州農倉與尊貴書店·大幼童生 03-18-2007) Pre-Kindergarten @ Franklin Institute, Philadelphia (費城自由地主科技博物館小學前班生 03-22-2008) Kindergartner @ Snow Removal, PA (賓州·學前班生除雪 03-02-2009) 1st-Grade Playdate @ Home, PA (賓州本家·小學一年級玩伴時光 03-21-2010) Lena's 41st Piano Recital @ Jacobs Music, PA (賓州神靈保佑音樂商店·陳老師第41屆鋼琴匯報演出 03-05-2011) 3rd Grade @ Guanghua Chinese School, PA (賓州光華中文學校·小學三年級 03-25-2012) 4th Grade Spring Break @ Great Frigate Watch by Daphne Major of Galápagos Islands, Ecuador (厄瓜多爾達爾文島大月桂樹島嶼旁觀看大軍艦鳥·小學四年級春假 03-31-2010) Lena's 47th Piano Recital @ Jacobs Music, PA (賓州神靈保佑音樂商店·陳老師第47屆鋼琴匯報演出 03-08-2014) 6th Graders of Wind Ensemble @ Pennbrook MS, PA (賓州賓溪初中·初一管樂隊 03-24-2015) 7th Grade @ Nave of St. Francis of Assisi Church, NYC (紐約方濟會教堂正廳·初二生 03-24-2016) 8th Grade of Pennbrook MS @ Alien Invasion the Musical, PA (賓州賓溪初中·初三生為音樂劇《外星人入侵》伴奏 03-10-2017) 9th Grade of PBMS @ Seussical, PA (賓州賓溪初中·高一生為《“甜蜜”音樂劇》伴奏 03-11-2018) River Dance w/ 10th Grade @ Montgomery Mall on St Patrick's Day, PA (賓州巨人山購物中心·高二生尊貴聖徒節上觀摩河流舞蹈 03-17-2019) 11th Grader @ Swimming Pool of NPHS ahead of the Pandemics, PA (新冠疫情前北賓州高中游泳館·高三生 03-06-2020)
12th Grade @ Gazebo of Prayer by Thomas Kinkade Studio (“雙·戰鬥領袖”工作室——高四生在《禱告亭》前 03-27-2021) Freshman's Sring Break @ Memorial Grove of Korean War Memorial America-Korea Alliance Peace Park, PA (賓州朝鮮戰爭紀念林美韓同盟和平公園·大一生春假 03-12-2022) Sophomore's Spring Break @ Baldwin School, PA (賓州勇敢朋友私立女子學校·大二春假) Crosslink(相關博文): 萬花筒(Kaleidoscope) |