【Aiden in English】 At last, I knew this day of the 6th grade would come, but not this quickly. You see, my brain was still in summer vacation mode. And now school's starting. I was totally looking forward to meeting my teacher. But early this morning, I had to go to the middle school for math away from the other classes first, such as Language Arts, Science, and Social Studies which still remain in the elementary I have been in since my 1st grade. My head seemed like in hibernation when I walked into the classroom. In addition, I was still half asleep.
It was just me and three other 6th graders in Algebra I class for today. There was a meeting that which all 7th, 8th, and 9th students participated. We were asked a few questions, went over the rules, and then: CLASS DISMISSED!
Afterward, the day took a turn for the worst. The school bus that was supposed to be at the middle school to escort us back to our ES didn't come in time. So what we did was to wait. And wait. And wait. And... About an hour later, after I went through three drawings, 1 maze, and half of a book, the bus arrived. Finally, I met my teacher, Mr. Richhart who looked better than I had hoped for. He was funny, a little strict, casual, liked to do cool things, and had hilarious stories.
Today was a very interesting and awkward way to kick off the school year. But something tells me that I'm gonna have a lot of fun.
我清楚初中一年级这一天迟早会来,但从没期待如此之快。你看我仍处在夏季休假状态,尚未做好新学年精神准备,可学校马上就要开课。 我渴望跟班主任老师见面,不过大清早我得先赶往初中部去上数学课,然后再返回本人自小学一年级就开始生活的小学学习语文、科学和社会常识。走进教室时,我脑袋瓜一直昏迷迷的,仍然半梦半醒。 今天在《代数—I》课堂上,只有我本人和其他三位初中一年级的同学,而所有初中二三年级~高中一年级的学生正在开会。我们被问及若干问题,捋了一遍规章制度,随即﹕“下课”﹗ 打那以后,情况急转直下,负责接送我们从初中返回小学的校车迟迟不到,除了无休无止的等待,我们无能为力。大约一小时有余,我先后完成了三幅涂鸦,结束了整个迷宫游戏,读过了半本小说,校车才好不容易出现在大家面前。最终,我见到盼望已久的理查先生,他谈笑风生,虽然有点严格,但穿着随便,思想时尚,爱讲搞笑的故事。 今天非常特别,以奇特的方式拉开新学年序幕。我本能地感觉出,六年级定将充满快乐。 Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |