【Aiden in English】
It's almost the start of the fall season. In just three short days, our first soccer game will begin. It'll be the Columbus CREW against the Philadelphia UNION. Ironically, the only MLS game I've ever watched at the stadium in PPL Park was with these two teams playing. This year, we are the Philadelphia Union, and the team has only one thing in mind: seek and destroy. To crush, dismantle, and terrify the opposing team, the only way we could demolish the Columbus Crew was to train, practice, more train, and more practice. By the looks of it, Coach Nathan took the word train and twisted it into running laps. Speaking of running laps, one kid in our group cut across the field on our second lap. As a gift, the coach permitted us to run another lap. You know how hard it is for a defender like me to run. I don't like running at all, and something tells me I'm speaking for the whole team. But like I said, we gotta train. Running is indispensable, one way or another. If it's gonna help us destroy the Columbus Crew, count me in! 【红霞译】
秋季在即,还有不过三天时间,我们第一场足球赛马上开战,也就是说“哥伦布机员队”要与“费城联合队”交锋。好笑的是,我难得观看美国足球大联盟比赛,可偏巧却在费城电力照明公司公园现场目睹过这两支职业队的风采。 今年,我们沿袭“费城联合队”大名,秉承其理念,目标只有一个:不失时机打败对手。为了分裂瓦解威胁“哥伦布机员队”,我们唯一的出路就是,强化训练、练习、再强化训练、再练习。基于这个出发点,内森教练把强化训练一词与绕场地奔跑联系到一块。
说起绕场地奔跑,我所在小组一位队友在第二圈跑步训练时因偷工减料抄了近路,结果连累了大家,教练毫不吝啬地“奖励”全组成员多跑出一圈。你想过没有,对于一位像我这样的后卫球员来说,来回跑动决非轻而易举,况且我确实不擅长跑动。凭我直觉,队里恐怕没人喜欢跑来跑去。 正如前面所述,我们必须接受强化训练,来回跑动是强化训练中必不可少的内容,反过来说,强化训练离不开来回跑动。如果来回跑动能帮我们打败“哥伦布机员队”,我一定尽力而为! Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |