【Aiden in English】
Super Bowl 50 is finally here! I'm a Denver Broncos fan, and you all may say I'm a bandwagon. I'm not for two reasons. First, the Broncos's kicker, Brandon McManus, went to the North Penn School District, where I came from. Secondly, when I was first introduced to football, I asked Dad who the best QB was four years ago, and it was Peyton Manning. Tom Brady was good, but this was right after the one where Peyton lost the Super Bowl to the New Orleans Saints. It just happened that two years later, he came back and went to the Super Bowl. Then, you could've called me a bandwagon, but even after they lost and sucked the following season, I liked watching them play, and so the football fan side of me was born. Chinese New Year's Eve was today, of course. Of all the days it could've been, it had to be on Super Bowl Sunday. It could've been much worse, as the Guanghua Chinese School Gala was next week. The only obstacle was my family's traditional dinner, which I had to go to right after the routine of the Chinese and Yo-Yo. At least it was nice, though. Lai Lai Garden Chinese cuisine hasn’t let me down yet. We ordered our favorites, and I quickly stuffed myself and packed many leftovers to get home. Peyton Manning, the dude who is so old that he parks in the handicapped section, is back, and I’m happy for him. He's going up against a scary Carolina Panther team that gives me doubts about the victory for the Broncos. But, as the first few minutes played out, my doubts deflated as fast as a New England Patriots football. The first drive the Broncos put together was terrific, although only a field goal was scored. They had the Panthers on their heels as constant motion on the line of scrimmage confused the defense. Moving into the red zone, they were stopped, which disappointed me. Those hopes were re-inflated when the following Panther's procession, Cam Newton, MVP and Offensive Player of the Year, was sacked, stripped, and trampled on all-in-one play. The ball rolled into the end-zone, the result of number 58, Von Miller. Someday, he will be on the Hall of Fame list. Someday. The game became a Denver fan’s dream. Turnovers on the Carolina side saved our butts every time Peyton threw a pick, which happened only once. Ultimately, it was like the Super Bowl two years ago. The defense won games. Like how the Seattle Seahawks crushed Peyton 43-8, we won 24-10 this year. Now that Peyton has won his 200th career, he should retire and let Brock Osweiler run the show. Ironically, the 4th quarter of the game was the 200th quarter of Super Bowl history. I guess I’ll see him in the Hall of Fame next. 【红霞译】
佩顿·曼宁总算成了大叔级人物,甚至要把车子停靠在残疾人特区。见他重返球场,我由衷地感到高兴,这回继续由他来抗衡气势汹汹的卡罗来纳黑豹队不免让我替野马队捏着一把汗,但开场几分钟后,我心中的疑团宛如新英格兰爱国者手中撒气的橄榄球很快烟消云散。尽管仅有一次射门得分,但野马队第一次进攻组织成功,致使黑豹队在攻防线上来回跑动让防卫乱了阵脚。接着,球被投入得分区,野马队反倒停了下来,不免令我大失所望,幸亏荣获本年度最佳球员及最佳进攻奖的黑豹队凯姆·牛顿一下子惨遭四分卫擒杀丢球围攻,野马队才重新找回希望,58号冯·米勒趁机带球闯进端区。你还甭说,早晚有一天他会步入名人堂之列,记住早晚有一天。这场比赛实现了丹佛球迷心中的梦想,佩顿确有一次投出的球被对方截住,不过仅此而已。如同两年前举行的“超级碗”,胜利属于防守一方,当时西雅图海鹰队以43:8的比分打得佩顿滚回老家,今年我们终以24:10扬眉吐气。 如今佩顿已经赢得个人职业生涯中第200场比赛的胜利,该退役挂靴了,还是让布洛克·奥斯维勒来接班吧。无巧不成书,这次第四节比赛恰好也是整个“超级碗” 历史上第200节比赛,我想佩顿有望入选下一届名人堂。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2014: Text-dependent Analysis—Lab Rats(语境分析—《超能高校生》)
Yo-Yo Practice @ Guanghua Chinese School (光华中文学校·空竹练习 02-07-2016)
Lai Lai Garden on Chinese New Year's Eve (除夕晚宴·来来花园 02-07-2016)
West Lake Beef Asparagus Soup (西湖牛羹汤)
Wonton w/ Roasted Chili Vinaigrette (红油抄手)
Dan Dan Noodles w/ Minced Pork (四川担担面)
Sliced Pig Ear w/ Roasted Chili Vinaigrette (紅油耳絲)
Lamb w/ Cumin (川式孜然羊)
Stir-Fried Winter Bamboo w/ Yibin Veggie Buds (干煸冬筍)
Tofu in Clay Pot w/ Assorted Seafood & Vegetable (三鮮豆腐煲)
Fruit Platter (水果拼盘)
Deep-Fried Glutinous Rice Balls w/ Sesame & Red Bean Paste (油炸红豆沙麻团) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015: Chinese New Year Eve @ Lai Lai Garden(来来花园春节年夜饭) 2011: 除夕这一天(CNY Eve) 2010: 孩子出世的那一阵子(Memorabilia @ Birth) 2008: 吃在游轮(Cuisine on Carnival Destiny) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |