【The Broken Pane】 Umberto Saba (1883—1957) It all conspires against you. Nasty weather, lights that keep going out, and the old house jolted by every gust. It’s dear to you for what you suffered in it, for the hopes dashed there, and for a few good times as well. Survival seems to you a refusal to obey the way of things. And in the shattering of a windowpane, you hear a judgment passed. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《破碎的玻璃》】 阳光斗士•萨巴(1883生—1957卒) 一切都在反对你。坏天气, 灭掉的灯,风暴中 崩塌的老房子,你如此珍爱 由于经受的痛苦,受挫的希望, 由于你享受的一切。 你认为幸存 违反了事物。 在玻璃的 碎裂中是你的句子。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Sorrento and Amalfi Coast, Italy(意大利苏莲托与阿玛菲海岸)
2016: Middle of Nowhere @ North Sea(北海·沧海无际) 2014: GHCS Camp—Shading in Sketch Art(光华营素描的浓淡处理) 2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)
Panorama of Vietri sul Mare (维耶特利苏玛雷“海边老城”全景)
Amalfi Coast (阿玛菲海岸)
Hillside (山坡)
Village (村落)
Duomo di San Giovanni Battista (圣约翰洗者大教堂)
Bell Tower & Dome, Duomo di San Giovanni Battista (圣约翰洗者大教堂──钟楼与穹顶)
Downtown (城中心)
Polychrome Ceramic Store (彩陶店)
Piers (码头)
Sailing Boat (帆船)
Shipyard (船坞)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |