【Aiden in English】
Welcome to the first of two stops I've already been to. Today's hot spot was Naples, a beautiful city with a lot of history, but one I happened to be too. So, we decided to go to Sorrento, another place we'd stopped by. That's alright since the main attraction would be the Amalfi coastal drive in the afternoon. Sorrento and Naples are two iconic Italian places I visited three years ago. However, they are also two iconic sites I'll gladly return to. In addition, my memory only gives a blurry recollection of Sorrento, so why not go back? While strolling through the town center, I ran over some areas that triggered brief flashbacks to when I didn't worry about grades. A cute balcony here, a giant lemon there, and each one took me back three years. But that's not why we chose this trip. The afternoon drive across the famous Amalfi Coast over the Tyrrhenian Sea was the real pot of gold on this trip. I saw multiple photos on a preview earlier and was excited to get on the road. Just one problem... I was sleepy after a retreat at sea yesterday. Sleepy. It was a food coma, but I crashed before getting to the coastal area. So essentially, I watched the most incredible coastline I've ever seen fly by through eye slits. Luckily, the bus was forced to take a ten-minute stop to let traffic pass on a one-way road, and we caught a glimpse of such a dazzling panorama. Yes, the road was so narrow that only one car could pass at a time, like the Road to Hena in Maui, Hawaii. Adding to that, the singular road twisted and winded around cliffs hanging over emerald waters. It's a thing of fairy tales. It also appears in almost every racing movie due to the breathtaking drop-dead scenery. To the right are the Caribbean waters of the Bahamas, and to the left are the Andes of Chile. A singular strip of concrete separates two worlds. Small, terra-cotta-roofed, colorful buildings pulled straight from a children's book. I don't think I've ever seen a more beautiful coastline. Although Easter Island was lovely, it was pure nature, with cliffs plunging into the cold Pacific. They have nothing about the magical waters. We eventually stopped on the coastal drive at Amalfi, one of the capital maritime republics of the Duchy of Amalfi. It consisted of touristic shops, gelato parlors, the Cathedral of Sant'Andrea, and a few residential buildings with their erstwhile splendor. Most of the area is designated purely for tourists, as demonstrated by the local food, souvenirs, and prices. Walking down the single main street of Via Pietro Capuano, we discovered that we can never have too many gelato stands. Also, I satisfied my Hazelnut gelato cravings. Afterward, it was back on the bus, and we finished the Amalfi Coast. Tomorrow, I will stop at two places I've been to. While Rome is a city I would love to return to, the world is significant, and there is much to see. So, I guess I'll have to 'Rome' along. 【红霞译】
不过所有这些并非成为我们远道而来的理由,下午前往第勒尼安海上阿玛菲海岸线兜风欣赏景致才是此行真正原因。事先我浏览过很多照片,上路的时候满心欢喜,问题在于……昨个儿航海日休闲过后我困得要死,抵达景区之前坐在车上一直昏昏欲睡,海岸线绝美瞬间犹如浮光掠影般从眼皮底下一闪而过。“有福之人不用愁”,因单行道交通拥堵,我们被卡在要道上长达十分钟之久,结果将千娇百媚尽收眼底。说得没错,阿玛菲海岸线路面狭窄,宛若夏威夷茂宜岛的哈纳公路,更有甚者,山路背部悬崖高耸壁立千仞,山路正面九曲十八弯径直垂挂在翡翠蓝绿色海湾之上,犹如童话故事描绘的人间仙境,美景美奂几乎全部摄入电影赛车惊险镜头里去。 钢筋混凝土铺就的单道公路右侧是巴哈马加勒比海,左侧为智利安第斯山脉,浑然将阿玛菲海岸线分成两个世界,依山面海小巧玲珑的红瓦房,把少儿图书色彩斑斓的画面原封不动地搬了出来,我从未见到如此壮观的海岸线,复活节岛倒是山清水秀,但鬼斧神工的峭壁海岸却一头栽进寒气逼人的太平洋,坦率地说一点不比这里奇妙。
我们最终来到阿玛菲海岸线被视为旧时海上共和国──“阿玛菲公国”首府阿玛菲,古镇旅游商店、手工冰淇淋店、圣安德烈大教堂和昔日辉煌的老居民楼一目了然,多数区域游人如织,本土小吃纪念物品充斥着大街小巷,价格自然不菲。走在城里仅有的一条主道──彼得·卡普阿诺街,我们发现手工冰激凌摊位有多少都不嫌多,而榛子风味的仍是我的最爱,吃饱喝足之后,我们才乘车离开阿玛菲海岸线。 明天目的地也是我先前来过的地方,尽管很想再去一趟罗马,但世界之大,要玩的地方实在应接不暇,因此只好暂且放它一码。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2018: Salerno, Operation Avalanche of Italy(意大利萨勒诺·雪崩计划) 2018: Vietri sul Mare, the Liquid Gold ITA(意大利海边老城·景德镇) 2018: Cetara, the Anchovy Drippings of Italy(意大利鱼贩子城·凤尾鱼酱产地) 2018: Maiori, the Movie Setting of Italy(意大利大皇后城·电影外景地) 2018: Minori, the City of Taste in Italy(意大利小皇后城·城市品味) 2018: Atrani, Natural Amphitheater ITA(意大利暗城·天然海上圆形剧场)
2018: Amalfi, the Divine Town of Italy(意大利阿玛菲·神圣之城) 2018: Furore, the Neverland of Italy(意大利菲乌勒·梦幻城) 2018: Praiano, Open Sea of Italy(意大利海滨城·公海) 2018: Positano, the Vertical City of Italy(意大利波西塔诺·陡直城) 2018: Torna a Surriento, Italy(意大利托尔纳·重归苏连托) 2016: Middle of Nowhere @ North Sea(北海·沧海无际)
2014: GHCS Camp—Shading in Sketch Art(光华营素描的浓淡处理) 2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)
Piazza della Vittoria, Sorentro (苏莲托·胜利广场 06-14-2015) Mors Immortalis Monument @ Piazza della Vittoria, Sorentro (苏莲托胜利广场·永春不朽纪念碑 07-17-2018)
Lido, Sorentro (苏莲托·海滨浴场 07-17-2018) Bell Tower of Sorrento Cathedral (苏莲托大教堂·钟楼 07-17-2018)
Lemon Trees, Sorrento (苏莲托·柠檬树 07-17-2018) Via Academia, Sorrento (苏莲托·学院街 07-17-2018)
Limoncello @ Garden, Sorrento (苏莲托花园酒家·柠檬酒 07-17-2018)
Cuomo's Lucky Store, Sorrento (苏莲托·库莫幸运店 07-17-2018) Monument to Francis of Assisi, Sorrento (苏莲托·方济各纪念碑 07-17-2018)
Monastery of St. Francesco in 14th-Century, Sorrento (苏莲托·建于十四世纪方各济修道院)
Statue of St Antoninus of Sorrento (苏莲托安东尼贤帝纪念碑 07-17-2018) Flea Market on Via San Cesareo, Sorrento (苏莲托·圣凯撒街集市 07-17-2018)
Amalfi Coast, Positano (陡直城·阿玛菲海岸)
Rocky Shore above the Tyrrhenian Sea (第勒尼安海之上悬崖峭壁)
Sorrento Peninsula (苏连托半岛)
Amalfi Drive (阿玛菲大道)
Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂 07-17-2018)
Courtyard of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·庭院 07-17-2018)
Altar of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·圣坛 07-17-2018)
Nave of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·主经堂 07-17-2018)
Diocesan Museum of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·教区博物馆 07-17-2018)
Closet Doors Saints & Martyrs Diocesan Museum of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·教区博物馆──圣徒与殉道者屏风 07-17-2018)
Crypt of Duomo di Amalfi Sant'Andrea (阿玛菲大教堂·雄壮神殿地下室 07-17-2018)
Gelato Cart (手工冰淇淋车)
Porto Di Napoli (那不勒斯港 07-18-2018)
Castel Nuovo & Castel Sant'Elmo, Naples (那不勒斯·新堡与爱堡 07-17-2018) Crosslinks(相关博文): 2015: Lemons in Capri, Italy(意大利卡普里岛的柠檬) Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |