【Full of a wandering thought that separates me】 Francesco Petrarca (1304—1374) Full of a wandering thought that separates me from all other men, and makes me go lonely through the world, hour after hour I am tempted by myself searching for her, whom I should fly from: and I see her go by so sweet and deadly that my soul trembles to rise in flight, she leads such a troop of armed sighs with her, this beautiful enemy of Love, and of me.
Truly if I am not wrong I see a ray of pity shine from that high clouded brow, which partly brightens my grieving heart: then I recall my soul, and when I start to reveal my ill-conceived thoughts to her, I have so much to say to her, I dare not begin. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【满脑子甜蜜的幻想】 自由人•彼特拉克(1304生—1374卒) 满脑子甜蜜的幻想,使我同别人 全都疏远,因而我独自浪迹天涯, 经常神思恍惚,忘乎所以, 寻找我避而不见的她。 我见她如此姣美地走过, 我的灵魂战栗,而不敢飞向她; 她,发出阵阵叹息,象在保卫自己, 她是爱情之敌,也是我的冤家。 哦,如果我没错儿,我在她高扬而阴郁的 眉间,看到一丝怜悯的光芒, 使我那颗忧伤的心豁然开朗。 于是我又振作精神;我正想 在她面前冒昧地作一番表白, 可要说的话太多,竟不敢启齿把话儿讲。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2018: Sorrento and Amalfi Coast, Italy(意大利苏莲托与阿玛菲海岸)
2016: Middle of Nowhere @ North Sea(北海·沧海无际) 2014: GHCS Camp—Shading in Sketch Art(光华营素描的浓淡处理) 2012: Drama Rehearsal(戏剧排练)
Panorama of Salerno 盐镇全景
Chiesa dell'Annunziatella (天使报喜教堂) Hillside (山坡)
Castello di Arechi (王子城堡)
Piers (码头)
Port (港口)
Waterfront (海滨)
Sailing Boat (帆船)
Salerno Duomo (盐镇大教堂)
Devils' Bridge, A Medieval Aqueduct (魔鬼桥·中世纪渡槽)
Viaduct (高架桥)
Schola Medica Salernitana (盐镇医学院·中世纪医学院)
Sunset (日落)
Tomato Soup Florentine (花城番茄汤)
Shrimp, Grapefruit, Citrus Aioli (虾、葡萄柚、柑橘蒜泥蛋黄酱)
Bordelaise Cod (红酒洋葱酱鳕鱼)
Arancini Pomodoro (饭团西红柿)
Spicy Vegetarian Chow Mein (香辣素炒面)
Strawberry Crisp w/ French Vanilla Ice Cream (草莓酥配法国香草冰淇淋)
Blackberry Sundae w/ Vanilla Ice Cream, Blackberries & Whipped Cream (黑莓圣代冰淇淋与香草冰淇淋、黑莓和鲜奶油)
Sacher Torte w/ Whipped Cream (麻布蛋糕与生奶油)
Crosslinks(相关博文): Italy(出游意大利)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 9th Grade(高中一年级) |