| 2015-02-22
【Aiden in English】 The Year of Sheep has arrived, and with it came happiness, celebration, and performances. Last weekend, I performed with my Chinese yo-yo at China Grace Christian Church. Today, we were to do so at the Spring Festival Gala of Guang Hua Chinese School (GHCS) again. The only difference in the performance was the number of people watching. At the church, there were about a hundred or a hundred fifty. When more than 60% of GHCS came to watch with their parents, there were easily 500 or 600 people altogether. It looked so large that we needed to use the newly renovated Upper Dublin High School’s auditorium.
As soon as Mom and I walked in through the entrance, my teacher Eric took me and the other classmates who were already there to a quiet corridor to practice. In a few moments, that quiet place wasn’t so quiet anymore. Yo-yos flew through the air, slamming into walls, ceilings, floors, and a few heads, nothing out of the ordinary with yo-yos. We practiced, practiced, took a break, and practiced over and over again. Because some people missed the performance at the church last week, the timing seemed critical. We had to adjust our tricks to fit in. As soon as we tweaked the original choreography, someone had to mess up just about every single time. It was enough to drive even the sanest man mad, and I was far from the sanest man. In fact, I was already near cracking before we got there. The mistakes just made me wait for even more pain. We stayed out there for another two hours and eventually, we stopped practicing because we would take whatever product we could produce on stage.
The younger kids left us, and so there were only four people left: the teacher, me, and two of my buds. The teacher tried to open a conversation about anything, and it sounded pretty easy considering he’s only 14 years old and in the 9th grade. After a while, random topics came up like Graham’s number. It’s basically the largest number ever, plugged into an equation, and came exponentially, exponentially, exponentially larger. Yep, that was our conversation, and it was really pathetic. Yet it was obvious we were talking just to pass the time. By the looks of it, we were doing a good job too. To forget about imminent embarrassment for one second, we felt like paradise. So here we were, chatting away, and all of a sudden my friend’s mom said it was time for us to perform. By that time, it didn’t feel so bad anymore, because the outcome had already been decided. Our teacher was the only one able to complete every single trick every single time, so he should have no problem on stage. The students, well let's just hope no one in the audience got hurt, and we would be happy.
We walked on stage and managed to perform the yo-yo with a forced smile. But with braces, it looked as if I was screaming and terrified. As the song we were accompanied by shifted, I walked up to take center stage. Like last week, I did the Cat’s Cradle with the X and pulled it perfectly. Soon with a tiny swing motion, I swung the yo-yo around the stick, landing on my string but with a loop around the stick. I did it again and then untangled it. My friend went up immediately after I finished, pulling out a Cat’s Cradle of his own. This time, he completed it with ease. He did the same trick as the last time again, sticking his hand between the stings, and tossing the yo-yo in a circle, and easily pulled it off. As soon as he backed up, one of the younger kids pulled off a Magic Knot, nice and easy. During that time, I was preparing for my hardest part. When the Magic Knot was finished, my friend and I stepped up and flung the yo-yo across the stage. My heart sped up, but my friend caught it, showing it back down. He flung it back, and my heart rate zoomed up like my mom’s temper. I adjusted under the yo-yo, and it smoothly landed on my string. We did this again, adjusting and nervous. We stopped back and gasped. At last, my part was over.
Our teacher then went up, and disaster always strokes when you least expected it. He did all the same tricks as the last time. Only when he threw his yo-yo up, did it land somewhere that he didn’t want it to land? Bang! The sound of the Chinese yo-yo and the ground wasn’t something pleasant to hear on stage. Our teacher fetched his yo-yo, and our finale arrived. Now when I say the teacher, you think the best, but I say a prodigy, you say better than the teacher. My other friend who performed the Magic Knot stepped up and stunned the crowd. He swung the yo-yo around his head, turned 360 degrees, and slightly tossed the yo-yo into the air. Then, somehow he wrapped his string around his shoulder, caught the yo-yo on his string, twirled again, and did my trick. Instead of untangling it, he released a stick that spun around the yo-yo, and his hand caught it from spinning out of control. The song ended five seconds after, and we bowed.
Disaster is something that happens to everyone, purposeful or accidental. So we should look out for them because as you have been told, they can happen to anyone.
老师出场了。意想不到的事情出现在眼前,确实超乎我们的想象。他在做常规动作时不知怎么搞的,悠出的空竹在回落过程中竟然没有到位,哐当!空竹应声落地,在台上听到这种声音可想而知当事人的心情。老师顺手拾起空竹,带领大家继续表演压轴戏。我想在这强调一句,我们的老师不但动作灵巧,而且极富天份,因此比一般老师水平要高得多。刚才表演“打魔结”的朋友挺有眼力劲儿,眼见老师失误后立刻补台,并以精湛的演技博得了观众一片喝彩。他先让空竹围着脑袋打转,而自己来了一个360度转身,再出手高抛空竹;随后,他又神奇地将线绳缠在胳膊上,空竹上下左右来回飞旋,接着重复我表演的动作,不过他并没交叉线绳,相反却让空竹在棍棒上旋转,最后才用手抓住疯转的空竹。五秒钟后曲终,我们鞠躬谢幕。 看来无论偶然还是必然,任何人都会遇到意外。这么说来,我们凡事都应该做好两手准备,因为谁都无法避免意外发生。
Year of Goat Celebrated @ GHCS Gala (光华中文学校新年联欢会 02-22-2015)
Rapture of Joyful Day (欢天喜地 02-22-2015)
Yo-Yo Performed for the Year of Goat (抖空竹过羊年 02-22-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文):: 2014光华马年春节联欢会(2014 CNY Celebration @ GHCS) 6th Grade(初中一年级)