2015-05-21 【Aiden in English】
Olympic Day can’t be an Olympic Day without races. For us, Montgomery has its ever-famous 50-yard dash. Everyone loves this time of day, except when you lose about every race. Right off the bat, the Mountaineers seemed like the only worthy team for the last place. Race after race, we lasted, grabbing a few 2nd and 3rd places, but those weren’t enough either. Whoever chose the teams, someone must’ve put all the slow runners on the Mountaineers. I’m telling you, not a single race was going our way. Every kid on my team hoped the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders playing the eight games were faring better than us. Whenever I saw a quick runner on my team, it seemed like the runner always slipped at the start, tripped while running, or pulled a muscle. Although the grass was slippery from the morning showers, I swore people were trying to mess up. Meanwhile, the Rangers were slowly stacking up points, winning race after race. For some reason, they weren’t constantly losing a shoe or not tying their shoelaces. In addition to the 50-yard dash was a tug-of-war competition. Here again, the Mountaineers couldn’t grab a victory. The competition worked in a tournament form by grade. Two games were played, and then the losers and winners played. And as always, we fell in the 2nd, but this time it was the Trailblazers winning absolutely everything. Their 4th and 6th-grade groups went undefeated. Yeah, we were in a big doo-doo. Yet when the moment of truth came, silence fell across the field (except for the sucking of popsicles). It was the Trailblazers behind the scouts in the 4th and 3rd. For the last two, the difference was only five points. So, if we lost, I could’ve blamed it on anyone’s shoe that fell off (which was a lot of people's). Lucky for the shoeless people, we won. The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd graders did better than I thought. This win meant something much more important than a win to me. This was my first and last time ever winning Montgomery’s Olympic Day because coming away being 1-5 and winning on the final year feels even sweeter than being 6-0. 【红霞译】
50码短跑冲刺之后剩下的就是拔河比赛,在这个项目上,登山者队毫无优势可言。比赛按年级采用淘汰制,先进行两次较量,然后输的队跟赢的队交锋。我们无冷门可爆,跟老末有缘,尖兵队异军突起抢夺了冠军席位,他们四、六两年级分队战无不胜,而我们整体水平臭不可闻。每当成绩出来,大家无言以对(只能呆在原地默默地独吃冰棍)。最后童子军队名列第三,尖兵队第四,这两个队只相差五分。如果我们输掉今天的比赛,我肯定要怪罪运动鞋(鞋子拉了本队很多人的后腿)。 运气眷顾赤脚侠客,我们赢了。一、二、三年级小不点们出乎意料,其表现让我跌破眼镜。本次胜利对我意义很大,绝非仅仅局限于比赛结果,这是我第一次也是最后一次在巨人山郡奥林匹克节上荣膺殊荣,以输掉前五年换取最后一年的胜利要比从未失败过的战绩更令我感觉甜美。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 Olympic Day Part-2(2015年奥林匹克节之二)
2015 Olympic Day Part-1(2015年奥林匹克节之一) 2015 Math24 Tournament(2015年口算24点锦标赛) 2014: Mont ES Band Spring Concert(蒙小春季管乐会) 2010: 写给光华中文学校家长的一封信(A Letter to GHCS Parents) 2009: 浪漫(Romance)
Frisbee (飞盘 05-21-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): 5th Grade Olympic Day(五年级奥林匹克节) 6th Grade(初中一年级)