【Aiden in English】
Welcome, readers, to Montgomery’s annual Olympic Day. This day consists of games, the half-time show, classic races, and tug-of-war. Every year, a new theme is chosen, but this year, well, everyone has a limit to their ideas, you know? Here is a hint: four teams are the Mountaineers (Blue), the Rangers (Green), the Scouts (White), and the Trailblazers (Red) across all grades from Kindergarteners to 6th graders at school. I’m on the Mountaineers. Try creating eight games physically in the Olympics based on camping. Yeah, that’s right. This year’s theme was called “Going Camping”. As stupid as it sounded, a few games asked you for something like one game where the goal was to cross a “river” (a stretch of grass) to save “puppies” (small stuffed toys). To get across, each team got 12 pool noodles. This game used the brain because those noodles were extremely slippery, and to make a platform, two people were allowed to hold the noodles in place in the “river” while there was one walker. I came up with the idea of steps, having platforms of twos across. Other teams made a long bridge, which fell apart quickly. The only thing was, once I saw how successful my strategy worked, the other teams promptly copied it. Ultimately, whoever got the most toys won, but we could only get the puppies in our lane. Three teams collected all of theirs, making a tie, even though the Mountaineers came in the 1st. What got me on my moves was the ice game. This game contained absolutely no reason why it should be included. The objective was to pass ice cube containers filled with ice water over your head to the next person at the back. The last person dumped whatever remained into a bucket. I played this game, but it was only 50oF/10oC outside. Not to mention that the water felt like stabbing a corpse. That game ruined an unbelievable morning. Besides, who brought melted ice on a camping trip to have kids hold it over their heads? For torture, maybe. The morning was only half of the day to come, and the scores now were just a lie to your face because the day, as I said, was only half done. And soon, the games began to have competition, and every team needed a fair share of victories. 【红霞译】
我觉得真正难搞的游戏是运冰,不知谁出的馊主意,规定前面一个人要将装在器皿里的冰块从头顶上传到后面一个人,最后一位再把融化的冰水倒入水桶。我个人倒无大所谓,但问题在于眼下户外温度仅有华氏50/摄氏10度,冰水凉得恨不能可以穿透死尸,把手冻成冰棍,好端端的一个上午就这样被这场比赛搅得一塌糊涂。再说,有谁跑到野外宿营会要求孩子从头顶上运送冰水?成心折腾人吧。 到此为止半天光景已过,各队积分高低并非真实成为定局,正如我刚才所说,我们仅完成了一半,接下来人人都有机会在即将到来的比赛中大显身手。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015 Olympic Day Part-3(2015年奥林匹克节之三) 2015 Olympic Day Part-2(2015年奥林匹克节之二) 2015 Math24 Tournament(2015年口算24点锦标赛)
2014: Montgomery ES Band Spring Concert(巨人山小学春季管乐会) 2010: 写给光华中文学校家长的一封信(A Letter to GHCS Parents) 2009: 浪漫(Romance)
Water Plate Relay (水盘接力赛 05-21-2015) Crosslinks(相关博文): 5th Grade Olympic Day(五年级奥林匹克节) 6th Grade(初中一年级)