【Aiden in English】
Ahh... There was nothing like a Spring Band Concert to kick off the holiday before Memorial weekend and summer at Montgomery ES in PA. Why is it called "Spring Concert" when it's almost June? Go figure. What truly made this concert different was a single piece called "Anthem of an Era" by Tyler S. Grant. He wrote it for the youth band at a young age, 17 in 2012. Tyler composed it to inspire kids to be motivated and creative. It worked because he was famous enough to capture our band teacher's attention. Contemporary music was exceptionally challenging for me. The beautiful tempo took my fingers on a joyride on the sax. I don't know why it sounded like a song from heaven. Using my best words, I think "Anthem of an Era" is majestic and flourishing as a thriving world in harmony. Every note was crafted at its most favorable and prosperous place. The four other songs were great at the concert, especially "Construction Zone" with its cool groove. However, "Anthem of an Era" stood out as unique, and I engaged myself with bold themes and driving rhythms in the mood. Our band was on fire, and the crowd went berserk. It sounded like the ceiling would be blown apart. I can't help wondering if the start of the show is supposed to be better than the end. 【红霞译】
优美的旋律牵动着我的手指在萨克斯管上轻飞曼舞,不知为什么这首曲子令我感觉好像是来自天国的音乐。更为确切地说,《时代礼赞》气势浑厚,生机勃发,如同走进一片欣欣向荣的天地,每个音符都被雕琢得恰到好处。当然,其它四首曲目也非常出色,特别是《建筑工地》富有爵士节奏,只不过《时代礼赞》风格独特,再加上鲜明的主题和时代的韵律,令我身心陶醉不已。 我们乐队演出火爆,点燃了全场观众高涨热情,仿佛快要掀翻天花板。我禁不住在想,良好的开端是否总能带来圆满的结束﹖
Anthem of an Era (《时代礼赞》 05-21-2014)
Montgomery ES Chorus (蒙小合唱团)
Corridor Display @ Montgomery ES (蒙小走廊张贴画) Crosslink(相关博文): 5th Grade(小学五年级) |