【Aiden in English】
Mount Olympus is the place of the Greek gods—twelve, to be exact. They are the Twelve Olympians, rulers in each aspect. Everything revolved around these gods, the Earth, and beyond. Zeus, the king of everything, rules with his specialty as the god of the skies. In Athens, Zeus is a celebrated god since he’s the king. Zeus was the son of Kronos, a Titan. The story goes that Kronos killed his father, Uranus, the god of the sky, and the Golden Age of the Titans began. Kronos was superb, and he suspected that history would repeat itself and his children would someday overthrow him as he did. So, when he fell in love with a Titaness named Rhea, he swallowed his children. In total, Kronos swallowed six gods. Rhea was horrified by these incidents and decided to hide away her newest child, Zeus. She faked Kronos into eating a rock instead. Don’t ask me how, but if Kronos was that stupid, no wonder Zeus killed him later. So Zeus has hidden away on Crete Island until he grows old enough. He overthrew Kronos and freed the six other swallowed gods. Athens was also celebrated, hence the name Athena. She is the goddess of wisdom and war tactics, usually in defensive strategies. She has been known as the goddess of wisdom since she was born. Zeus one day awoke with a terrible headache. He went to Hephaestus, the blacksmith god. Using a double-headed ax, Zeus asked for his head to crack open. If you can’t get rid of a headache, bang it open, and don’t come back saying it didn’t get any better. So out from Zeus’s open skull (please do not try at home) popped out Athena. It was logical to make her the goddess of wisdom. She is the patron goddess of Athens. However, there was a contest between Poseidon, the sea god, Zeus’s elder brother, and Athena to see who Athens’s patron would be. The contest was meant to determine who could provide the best gift to the city. Poseidon slammed the butt of his trident into stone, and a spray of water shot out. Athena introduced the olive tree to the Greek empire, symbolizing peace and victory. Now, this would’ve been a tough contest. The only thing was that Poseidon gave the people of Athens not just water but salt as well. So, what are you going to do with saltwater? Well, that’s why Athena won. And so, in Athena’s honor, the Parthenon was built in Acropolis in 432 B.C., not to be confused with the Pantheon in Rome. The Parthenon was a temple at the time, probably the most significant architectural feat in the world. The structure itself was unique. A weird illusion that tends to happen to large buildings is that Doric columns sometimes seem to bend outward. To counter that, the pillars holding up a pediment were tilted centimeters inward than in a vertical line. It was also the first to use 3D sculpting. Next to the Parthenon stood Poseidon’s temple or the Erechtheion in 406 B.C., considering he was still crucial to Athens, although he lost. The temple had a section of pillars replaced with six marble sculptures of ladies, with the roof being carried on their heads in the famous Porch of the Caryatids. The art world had finally broken through the barrier of 2D to 3D. The art of man had long awaited the moment and was glorious. Of course, nowadays, the British have taken everything and aren’t going then back. But hey! Although they may have the artifacts, Greece has the history. The glorious moments of the Greeks can never be stolen. 【红霞译】
雅典全城欢腾,由此取名雅典娜,雅典娜实为掌管智慧与战争(侧重防御战略)的女神,既聪颖又貌美,其出生方式更加与众不同。话说有一天雷霆神醒来感觉头疼得厉害,便去找铁匠神并要他用双头斧将自个脑袋劈开,假如你无法消除头痛,照例行事准保有效,千万别怨这招不灵。雷霆神头颅大开(切忌在家效仿),雅典娜趁机钻了出来,所以说封她为智慧女神合情合理。雅典娜还是雅典的守护神,然而那是经过与海神——雷霆神的哥哥较量之后才获此殊荣,比赛宗旨无非在于挑选谁最适合代表雅典。海神将其三叉戟尾戳入岩石,一泉清水旋即喷射出来;而智慧女神则把象征和平胜利的橄榄树引入古希腊帝国,即使现在看来要想在这场斗智比赛中取胜决非轻而易举。当时海神给雅典人不仅送上海水,而且还带来咸盐,但这些玩意能干什么?没错,这正是智慧女神巧胜之处。为了纪念智慧女神,雅典人于公元前432年在雅典卫城修建了少女神庙,切记这里指的不是古罗马万神庙,少女神庙堪称那个时代世界上最壮观的祭祀殿堂,其结构独一无二,不过高大建筑常常令人产生错觉,好像多立克石柱时不时朝外弯曲,为了矫正视差,建筑师让撑起山墙的支柱向内倾斜若干厘米,就这样少女神庙便成为天下第一个拥有三维立体浮雕的建筑。尽管海神输给了智慧女神,但雅典人依然尊重他,并在距离少女神庙不远处建起海神庙,也就是少女像柱神庙,传说它曾为智慧女神和海神争当雅典守护神的地方,神庙本身专设石柱门面,著名的“少女门廊”由六根大理石雕像柱组成,她们个个亭亭玉立,人人头顶石板,世界艺术终于冲破束缚,在平面视觉的基础上增添了立体效果,艺术家们得以如愿以偿并给人带来美的享受。 当然英国人曾不失时机地将这里的文物化为己有,至今尚无计划退还任何收藏。嘿!即使希腊国宝被盗,丝毫改变不了先辈所创下的丰功伟绩,希腊人辉煌的过去将永垂青史。
Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Cape Sounion—Temple of Poseidon, GR(希腊苏尼翁岬—海神庙) 2013: 四年级夏令营(Fourth Grade Summer Camp) 2012: Descriptive─Poster(应用文—壁报) 2010: 阳光精神(Be Positive)
The Acropolis of Athens Seen from the Hill of the Muses (从艺术女神山上眺望雅典卫城)
Hill of the Muses and The Acropolis of Athens in Distance (艺术女神山与背后的雅典卫城 06-20-2015)
Stairs Leading up to the Propylaea (通往卫城山门的石阶 06-20-2015)
Parthenon (少女神庙)
Cecropia after the Legendary Serpent-Man, Cecrops, the Supposed 1st Athenian King (半神庙·源于半人半蛇雅典首任国王)
Parthenon under Renovation (维修中的少女神庙)
The 1st 3D Sculpted Pediment @ Parthenon on Earth (少女神庙·天下第一个拥有三维立体浮雕的山墙)
Parthenon (少女神庙 05-22-2001)
Erechtheion (少女像柱神庙 06-20-2015)
Erechtheion (少女像柱神庙 05-22-2001)
East View of Erechtheion (少女像柱神庙·东侧 06-20-2015)
Porch of the Caryatids (少女像柱门廊)
Temple of Athena Nike (胜利女神庙)
Odeon of Herodes Atticus (露天剧场)
Detail of the Façade @ Odeon of Herodes Atticus (露天剧场——外立面细节)
Odeon of Herodes Atticus (露天剧场 06-20-2015) Philopappos Monument (宠爱爷爷纪念碑)
Natl Observatory of Athens and Church of St Marina in Thissio (雅典国家天文台与火神教堂)
Church of the Holy Apostles (使徒教堂)
Metropolitan Cathedral of Athens (雅典大都会大教堂)
Natl Observatory of Athens (雅典国家天文台)
Ancient Agora of Athens (雅典古集市)
Stoa of Attalos (商贸中心柱廊)
Temple of Hephaestus (火神庙)
Temple of Olympian Zeus & Arch of Hadrian (奥林匹亚雷霆神庙与哈德良拱门)
Temple of Olympian Zeus (奥林匹亚雷霆神庙) Arch of Hadrian (哈德良拱门)
Monastiraki Square (小修道院广场 06-20-2015)
Tzistarakis Mosque (奥斯曼清真寺)
Flea Market @ Monastiraki Square (小修道院广场·自由市场)
Nal Archaeological Museum (国家考古博物馆)
Panathenaic Stadium (雅典运动场)
Olympic Stadium (奥林匹克体育场)
Plaka the Neighborhood of the Gods (老区·众神邻居 06-20-2015)
Presidential Guards Evzone Changing @ Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (总统卫队在无名烈士碑前进行卫兵交接仪式)
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier (无名烈士碑)
Mount Lycabettus (狼光顾的山)
Metropolitan Athens (雅典大都会)
Tram Athinas (雅典有轨电车)
Piraeus Marina (雅典港游艇码头)
Piraeus Port (雅典港)
The Tomb of Themistocles @ Piraeus Port (雅典港·“法典荣耀”之墓)
Piraeus the Port City (雅典港)
Waterfront @ Piraeus (雅典港·前海沿)
Sunset @ Saronic Gulf (萨龙湾·日落 06-20-2015)
Sunset (日落)
Creamed Artichoke Bisque (奶油洋蓟浓汤)
Fortified Chicken Broth w/ Tortellini & Spinach (意饺和菠菜营养鸡汤)
Brochettes of King Prawns w/ Romesco Sauce (串烤大虾与红椒杏仁酱)
Watercress, Red Radish & Iceberg Lettuce (西洋菜、红萝卜和卷心莴苣沙拉)
Mediterranean Spinach Dip (地中海菠菜蘸酱)
Cognac-Flamed Crawfish Etouffee w/ Louisiana Hot Sauce (路易斯安那辣酱烧小龙虾盖饭)
Conehiglie alla Campagnola (纯番茄酱贝壳意面)
Steamed Cod over Warm Lentil Salad (热扁豆沙拉蒸鳕鱼)
Traditional NY Cheesecake (传统纽约奶酪蛋糕)
Butter Almond, Chocolate Chip & Honeydew Sorbet (三色冰激凌·奶油杏仁、巧克力块与哈密瓜冰糕) Crosslinks(相关博文): Greece(出游希腊)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 6th Grade(初中一年级)