【Aiden in English】
Everyone wants to be a hero. No matter what the cause, age, gender, or nationality is, everyone on this planet wants to be that special person. As to the few who manage to become one, each hero has a common theme. They are born when facing the odds, demonstrating bold actions, and yet, with that said, bravery does not always ensure the birth of a hero. A person needs bold actions to change the world or impact your surroundings. The story “Arachne” tells a tale about the spider, as it demonstrates many bold moves. It originated from a Greek myth when a young girl named Arachne challenged a goddess, Athene, to a weaving contest. Once Arachne saw herself losing, she weaved traitorous thoughts onto the tapestry, and Athene punished her by changing her into a spider. Bold actions relate to being a hero because they involve staring down a great fear, usually depicted as death, and overcoming that moment of paralyzation to fear. The story “The Man in the Water” talks about a plane crash in the Potomac River, Washington D.C., in 1982. Five passengers lived to tell the story of a mystery man who risked his life for other people's sake, which ultimately got him killed. The man showed bold and heroic actions when handing the ladder to the helicopter to others. These two stories contained characters that used bold actions. In “Arachne,” Arachne wasn’t afraid of confronting a goddess with her unmatched skill at weaving. After she heard the praise, she felt agitated because she wanted to be the best, even if it meant surpassing a weaving goddess. An older woman warned her for bragging too much, and even when this woman transformed into Athene. Arachne said that because “the group gathered there, she would not give in.” Alongside this action, in “The Man in the Water,” the unknown man continued to pass the helicopter's ladder to others, making his final actions bold as well. Being a hero, as the man did, required boldness, and Arachne demonstrated nearly the same amount of defiance to Athene in their story. As much as heroes are born from bold actions, not all bold actions make heroes. “Arachne” shows Arachne's actions, but the text does not shape her into one. She said, " With my ten fingers, I gained this skill…nor if I had, would I give Athene credit because the girl was more skillful than I.” Unlike “The Man in the Water,” Arachne is full of herself, which leads to the conclusion that being a hero is more than being bold; it is caring about others and seeing beyond oneself. Arachne was daring in a selfish, “obstinacy” way, whereas the unknown man passed up safety for others until the end. It seemed that she was the antagonist in the plot. And so, unlike most would think, it not only takes bravery but also the ability to think of others. All heroes come from bold actions, but not all bold actions make heroes. People are stereotypical of how all bold actions create heroes, but just as the stories “Arachne” and “The Man in the Water” show, the assumption could not be more misleading. 【红霞译】
大凡英雄生来就异乎寻常,但不是所有别具风格的人全能算作英雄,《阿拉克涅》通过不少事例来烘托主人翁独到一面,而不是单纯用文字枯燥地塑造英雄形象,用人物自己的话来说“不管我十指手艺如何,都无法掩盖雅典娜比自己技高一筹的事实。”与《水中人》不同,阿拉克涅以我为中心,难免让人感到这种英雄所具有的大无畏精神完全是为了标榜自己。她非常自私“固执”,不像水中人那样毫不利己专门利人。事实上,阿拉克涅到处树敌,其结果与世俗观念格格不入。勇敢固然重要,但同时切忌忽略他人感受。 世上英雄都勇敢无畏,可勇敢无畏者不等于说就是英雄好汉,人们往往落入俗套,偏偏将勇敢无畏和英雄好汉联系在一起,哪知事实并非如此,故事《阿拉克涅》和《水中人》足以引导大家端正认识。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2013: Potpourris in Mumbai, India(印度孟买拾遗) 2010: 等价交换(Exchange) Man in the Water (《水中人》) Arachne (《阿拉克涅》)
Las Hilanderas by Velázquez (维拉斯奎兹《阿拉赫尼寓言》) Crosslinks(相关博文): Compare/Contrast─Notes for Teachers(对比文─教师周评语) Compare/Contrast: Jerry and Lupe(对比─杰瑞和卢普) 7th Grade(初中二年级) |