【Aiden in English】
Jerry and Lupe are both the main characters in their stories. They have different goals yet are very similar in many more ways than you think. Jerry and Lupe both hope to be athletic or, in Jerry’s case, to be better at sports. In his story, Jerry wishes to become a star professional baseball player one day. That means he has a lot of practice and has to get better at baseball. Lupe wishes to be better at sports in general. Since Lupe isn’t excellent at most sports, she must set her goals a little less ambitious. In her story, Lupe entered the annual marble contest. She has weak fingers, so she practices being better at flicking marbles (I guess that’s a sport), and that’s how she is trying to get better at sports. Jerry and Lupe’s goals are quite different based on their natures. Jerry aims to become a professional baseball player and sets the bar very high. He is earnest about baseball and wants to wrap his entire life around it. Lupe is a whole different matter entirely. She doesn’t wish to dedicate herself to flicking marbles in a park. All she wants is to know she can be good at certain sports. Lupe and Jerry are similar, but nobody is the same, so they also have huge differences. 【红霞译】
矛和狼河是故事中两个主要人物,尽管彼此有很多相似之处,但各自追求的目标截然不同。说来他俩都热衷体育,不过矛比较擅长运动,并希望有一天能成为棒球明星,言外之意,他只有付出很多心血,才能力求比别人打得更棒。狼河则把运动当成个人爱好,因为在不少运动项目上表现平平,所以她必须放宽对自己的要求,只好参加一年一度的弹球比赛。针对手劲不足,她便努力提高指头力量(权且当成某种运动),争取在现有基础上做出好成绩。 显然,矛和狼河因天赋不同而理想不一。矛渴望成为职业棒球手,对自己高标准严要求;他非常看重棒球,愿意以此为生。相反地,狼河并没有打算在公园里表演一辈子弹球手技,她想做的无非就是要参与到行之有效的运动中来。矛和狼河确有相似之处,但世上本来就不存在两个相同的人,况且他俩差异巨大。
Jerry & Lupe (矛和狼河) Crosslink(相关博文): 6th Grade(初中一年级) |