2017-01-20 【Aiden in English】 So, the second marking period for the 8th grade has come to an end. Or, at least, it ends in three days. But the biggest moment of the second marking period would probably be the big bad mid-terms, which I believe was the largest overrated test of the year. Not that the year had many tests since it just started, but I just wanted to point out how no one would notice if someone changed “mid-term” to “very short unit test”. See? Exactly the same test, but the effect is so different. Nevertheless, the second marking period has come to a close. Through grueling tests and nipping quizzes and grueling tests, I think that I deserve to pass the halfway point, even if in a few months come to the PSSA. Lovely.
But up to this point, I think the eighth grade is pretty easy. All A’s, and still not much studying required. For example, I can basically memorize the vocabulary by the practice sheets given in class. When an occasional quiz appears, a quick flash-through during lunch study can get me whipped into test conditions in no time. Pretty normal, if you ask me.
So what’s to come? Well, this is where I think life starts to get interesting. As all of you know, the 9th grade is technically high school, and a lot of things begin to heat up around that time. And the summer of the eighth grade becomes very busy. Therefore, the end of this year is going to be probably the most stressful year of my life. Oddly enough, I am sort of looking forward to the challenge. Others may complain about how the school is getting too hard, but perhaps, for me, will pass faster this way.
The gifted has started a project that is really tough and stressful, requiring solid dates and a hard schedule to work with. It is something that takes meetings with the principal, paperwork, and teamwork with others. Many hours of sleep were lost to worry and stress over this topic, and it feels good to slightly ventilate a little bit.
The number of presented choices is increasing as well. Instead of the choice of TWO classes, I can now choose FOUR different classes. None of them really matter toward GPA or are mandatory, so the decisions are still quite limited in some sense. Next year, I’ll also be going to high school for certain classes, like Biology and Pre-Calculus. If you didn’t know, our school district is weird and has the ninth grade at the middle school, which, now that I really think about it, is kind of necessary due to the overpopulation at the high school.
So, with all of that said, I think this second half of the school year is about to be a roller coaster. I truly enjoyed last year’s second half simply because I got better grades and a stronger connection with my teachers. Obviously, I won’t have suddenly new “favorite subjects”, but there’s always the possibility of having some subjects, like English, change.
进入初中三年级第二学制,各种机会也相应增加,过去仅有两门课程可供选择,现在我能在四门不同科目之间挑来挑去,没有任何一门影响平均分数或作为必修课学习,因此从某种意义上说仍存有一定的局限性。明年我要去高中部上几门课,比如生物学和初级微积分。你也许有所不知,我们学区格局不同,高中一年级学生继续蹲在初中部学习,整个学区人口爆炸,只好实施缓兵之计。 由此说来,下半学年课业进度势必像过山车般超速前进,基于本人学习成绩惯于后起直追以及跟各科老师建立起亲密关系这些特点,我尤其偏爱第二学期学校生活。显然,我不会瞬间萌生什么“热衷科目”,可总免不了侧重某些方面,但愿诸如英语之类的课程有所改进。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2011: 热议《华裔母亲何以更优越》(Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior) 2009: 乐高生化战士(Bionicles)
Sculpture of That Profile (雕塑《那个人设》 12-28-2016)
Mom Deer & Fawn in the Backyard (后院的母子) Crosslinks(相关博文): First Marking Period of Eighth Grade(初三第一学制) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |