【Aiden in English】
So, the third marking period of the 8th grade is over. Or was. I don’t even really know or care. The only reason that’s in the draft is because of English, where we are finally beginning to pay attention to key grammar points. Ironically, the very point of English is to be simplified as an utter pile of mesh. Like such. What even is a pile of mesh? Physical Science has gotten easier. So much so that the entire subject has become nearly a stroll through the par. The concepts are fun, as well as the curriculum, but I do think that a formula sheet and a good calculator with a significant figure setting can quickly blast you ahead of the rest of the pack. Besides, the teacher never strictly states that students must follow a set problem-solving path, so I somewhat finish them as efficiently as possible. Algebra II, however, has become difficult. By that, I mean I have to be extremely careful about the trivial reasoning of all works in the cumulative review. Additionally, I am responsible for wrapping up my homework and turning it in on time. I am very disappointed. Even so, I strongly believe in being good at math (possibly overestimating). Besides not acing every test, the only reason for my downfall was the teacher's reviews, which killed my average. But I am not about to be discouraged by a few bad marks, as I always bounce back. Something tells me there will be a point where I can’t. But until then, it’s smooth cruising for me. Except in health class. The entire period is simply terrible. And I don’t mean the curriculum in cancer and heart diseases, which is quite the ride. The very class is obnoxious to the point of idiocy, to such a degree that it felt contagious. Catch the pun? Wow, that's another pun. I guess you can say I’m publishing. In Health, I made it through with only answering three items wrong, including extra credit, as the teacher made the tests so easy that there were answers to questions. Sometimes, one does not need to think about a problem but instead read the next one. I believe that way of life is the one I should follow. Maybe I should stop staring at the issue and look elsewhere for help. Although I may be too late for help on my math perfection, which does not count towards my GPA yet, life offers many answers hiding in plain sight. 【红霞译】
然而高级代数越来越麻烦,我指的是必须小心对待综合复习题各个繁琐推算步骤。除此而外,我不仅要如期完成家庭作业,而且还要保证在任何情况下按时上交家庭作业。 我甚感遗憾。
即便如此,我仍然坚信自己在本科确有优势(可能过于自负),撇开考试答题失误,唯一让我丢分的地方就是老师发放的练习题,而且绝对影响到学制成绩,不过我并未因为这些扣分而萎靡不振,毕竟本人总能迎头赶上。 直觉告诉我迟早会遇到自己力不从心的时候。
健康课上我顺利过关,全部考试连同附加题在内仅答错三道,老师简直太便宜我们了,答案隐含在问题当中,有时学生犯不着多想,只要顺藤摸瓜就成。 我相信生活方式源于个人处世态度,也许应停止盯着问题不放,试图从其它方面寻求解决办法。虽然我可能来不及亡羊补牢达到数学满分,但尚不至于影响到总评成绩,再说人生有很多道路可走,“天涯何处无芳草”。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Descriptive Poetry─Black(叙事诗─黑色) 2013: Baltra & Daphine Islands, Ecuador(厄瓜多尔激情岛和美岛)
8th Graders in MathCount (初中数学竞赛初三选手 02-18-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): Second Marking Period of Eighth Grade(初三第二学制) First Marking Period of Eighth Grade(初三第一学制) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |