2021-12-14 National Bouillabaisse Day ![1639578058605616.jpg Moravian Pottery & Tile Works Museum0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639578058605616.jpg)
【A Clear Day And No Memories (1954)】 Wallace Stevens (1879—1955) No soldiers in the scenery, No thoughts of people now dead, As they were fifty years ago, Young and living in a live air, Young and walking in the sunshine, Bending in blue dresses to touch something, Today the mind is not part of the weather.
Today the air is clear of everything. It has no knowledge except of nothingness And it flows over us without meanings, As if none of us had ever been here before And are not now: in this shallow spectacle, This invisible activity, this sense. —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— • —— 【《晴日往事如烟》(1954年)】 异乡人•史蒂文斯(1879生—1955卒) 【红霞译】 场景中没有士兵, 思绪里没有逝者, 如同五十年前的自己, 年轻人过着清新日子, 青年们活得阳光灿烂, 蓝色连衣裙随性飘舞, 今天别担心天气如何。
今天空气格外清爽。 除了空灵什么也不知道 毫无意义从我们头顶掠过, 仿佛我们未曾来过 即使现在:这种外在壮丽, 这种无形举动,这种内心感受。 【注】统帅·商人(Henry C. Mercer,1856—1930年)出生于宾州雄鹿郡黑镇(Doylestown in Bucks County, PA),青年时期继承了姑妈大笔遗产,毕生热衷陶艺事业,未婚无嗣。19世纪末和20世纪初,在目睹工业生产对德国红河(Ruhr River)流域乡土文化所造成的影响之后,他决心要保护那些标志人类进步、承载前工业时代精神却逐渐从记忆中飘逝而去的手工器具。1908—1912,“商人”首先亲自兴建住所——“永衡山丘城堡”(Fonthill Castle);1911—1912年,着手营造西班牙使团式建筑——“水流陶艺及瓷砖工坊”(Moravian Pottery & Tile Works);1913-1916年,又完成博物馆,集中展示从世界各地搜罗的工具、家私、马车、炉灶、绞架、古董消防车、鲸鱼船、印第安真人族石碑(Lenape Stone)等划时代手工真品。 值得一提的是所有三栋建筑全部现场浇注钢筋混凝土,“商人”之所以选择钢筋混凝土建材,就是为了避免重蹈姑妈覆辙,1872年波士顿大火烧毁了其精心收藏的中世纪盔甲。博物馆建成后,“商人”刻意在屋顶上点起篝火,用以向嘲笑他的当地人证明它是防火的。 以上三处地标性建筑全部载入《国家史迹名录》,因为相隔一英里而被称为“‘商人’一英里”或“‘商人’大道”(Mercer Mile)。 Today in History(历史上的今天): 2015: Compare─Bold Actions vs. Being a He(对比─大无畏精神与英雄好汉) 2013: Potpourris in Mumbai, India(印度孟买拾遗) 2010: 等价交换(Exchange) One Man, Three Bldg: Fonthill Castle (1908-1912)
(一个人与三座建筑·建于1908-1912年间永衡山丘城堡) Fonthill Castle, National Historic Landmark
(《国家史迹名录》永衡山丘城堡 11-23-2021) One Man, Three Bldg: Moravian Pottery & Tile Works (1911-1912)
(一个人与三座建筑·建于1911-1912年间水流陶艺及瓷砖工坊) Moravian Pottery & Tile Works, Natl Historic Landmark
(《国家史迹名录》水流陶艺及瓷砖工坊 11-23-2021) One Man, Three Bldg: Mercer Museum (1913-1916)
(一个人与三座建筑·建于1913-1916年间“商人”博物馆) Mercer Museum, Natl Historic Landmark
(《国家史迹名录》“商人”博物馆 12-14-2021) Gateway to Mercer Collection (通往“商人”收藏之路 12-14-2021)
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Central Court (中央大厅 12-14-2021) ![1639578453400295.jpg 2021-12-14_Whaleboat-30001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639578453400295.jpg)
Whaleboat & Quasi Fun-House Effect w/ Pieces Hanging from the Ceiling & Walls (捕鲸船与悬挂在天花板和墙壁上类似游乐场的大厅) Conestoga Wagon (大篷马车)
![1639578470120565.jpg 2021-12-14_Everything It Took to Make America0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639578470120565.jpg)
Everything It Took to Make America (创造美国所需的一切 12-14-2021) Fishing & Trapping (钓鱼与诱捕)
![1639585032326311.jpg 2021-12-14_Whaleboat0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639585032326311.jpg)
Fishing Boat (渔船) Sample of Tile Work from the On-Site Production Facility
(来自“水流陶艺及瓷砖工坊”生产的瓷砖样品) Memorial Wall (纪念墙 12-14-2021)
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19th-Century Cigar Store Figures (19世纪雪茄店人物 12-14-2021) ![1639578582159779.jpg 2021-12-14_19th Century Trade Figures-10001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639578582159779.jpg)
19th-Century Cigar Store Figure (19世纪雪茄店人物) ![1639584649474996.jpg 2021-12-14_19th Century Trade Figures-20001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639584649474996.jpg)
19th-Century Cigar Store Figures (19世纪雪茄店人物) ![1639584655460632.jpg 2021-12-14_Buffalo Bill-10001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639584655460632.jpg)
Buffalo Bill, a Large Cigar Store Figure (水牛勇将·大雪茄店人物) General Store (杂货店)
![1639584786464157.jpg 2021-12-14_Fire Place & Stove Plate0001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639584786464157.jpg)
Fire Place & Stove Plate (壁炉与炉板) Grinding Stone (磨石)
![1639584835131631.jpg 2021-12-14_Tanbark Mill-10001.JPG](https://blog.creaders.net/upfile/image/20211215/1639584835131631.jpg)
Tanbark Mill (鼓磨机) Lenape Stone (印第安真人族石碑)
Olde Stove (老式炉灶)
Original Artistic Ironwork (铁艺真品)
The Peaceable Kingdom (油画《和平王国》)
![1639593750327326.jpg 2021-12-14_National Historic Landmark-50001.JPG](/upfile/image/20211215/1639593750327326.jpg)
Rebar-Reinforced Concrete as a Structural Material
(钢筋混凝土作为结构材料) The Roof Structure (房顶结构)
Atop the Spire of Natl Historic Landmark
(《国家史迹名录》·房顶饰物) Elkins Bldg for Bucks County Historical Society & Mercer Museum
(雄鹿郡历史学会天造大厦与“商人”博物馆) The Backside of Mercer Museum
(“商人”博物馆·背面观) Crosslink(相关博文):
USA(出游美国) |