【Aiden in English】 Boys and girls can play soccer together. I think that is true. If some girls don't, they can't prove their skills.
With both boys and girls on the same team, girls can show their true potential. I agree that boys on average are better than girls, but that doesn't mean a girl can't be better than all the boys. It gives girls a challenge that if they achieve it'll have a large impact on their life. It'll also teach boys a lesson about their huge bragging mouths (even though I'm a boy and yes I brag).
If a girl can compete with boys, then the girl can gain more friends in the social world, too. She would have a lot of friends and wanna-be boyfriends. She would be a star and she'll be like a role model to others. It will influence kids to try harder to be like her and reach for their goals.
Sometimes, I thought people are right about safety. If the girl gets bashed in her head by the ball, the coach gets blamed for accepting her on the team. So if the coach wants the girl, the girl has to be comfortable with getting hurt once in a while. It's at their own risk.
My finale is that a girl on a boy team must demonstrate that they're very good. If she stayed on her old team, the other girls might not have the ability or talent to keep up with her. She would also look like a ball hog because she's so good. So putting her on a boy team will make it look a little more even. Plus, she can play to her limit if she wants to.
Girls can be just as tough as boys. They might look helpless, but they pack quite a punch. How about you coach, let them on your team and see for yourself.
值得一提的是,加入男隊的女生一定具有相當實力,如果她繼續保留在原來的女隊,其隊友的優勢和才能或許被埋沒,好像她總是大包大攬獨自控球,顯擺個人實力。正因如此,將她整編到男隊以後,能夠更有效地發揮特長,提高其競技水平。 女生絕對可以像男生一樣堅毅,雖然表面上看似柔弱,但內心不屈不撓。你不妨招這樣的女生入隊,親任教練,自我感受她們的非凡業績。
Boys & Girls Co-Team (男女同隊 10-05-2008) Crosslink(相關博文): 5th Grade(小學五年級) |