【Aiden in English】
On the first day, we encountered most tourists as Chinese in Heidelberg. It took a while. Our Viking Kavsir has docked give-or-take thirty minutes from the actual destination for the past few days. Today, moored in the business city of Mannheim on the bank of the Rhine, it used four busses to transport all 187 passages to Heidelberg, standing at the cradle of the German Romantic movement. Why didn't Viking dock in Heidelberg? I don't know how to reach the Neckar River that runs through the medieval town. All I noticed was that we were heading down the Continents up the Rhine, which spent more than double the time traveling than the one downstream. Furthermore, Viking sent more buses to pick us up from Heidelberg to Speyer, one of the oldest cities in Germany. Both places were forty-five minutes apart from Heidelberg. I understand that even if the drive were for the ship to arrive at the next stop quicker, I would have to disagree regarding sacrificing my leisure time in town. On the other hand, Vikings aimed to invest in the local culture and the old town. Heidelberg is home to Germany's most romantic castle. In addition, Heidelberg Univ. has been recognized as the oldest in Germany since it was founded in 1386. The Heidelberg Castle was a minor, looming complex over the Neckar River in the background, which inspired writers like Johann von Goethe and Mark Twain. No, the castle was the focus. Residence for the Palatinate monarchy between the 13th and 18th centuries, this mix of Gothic and Renaissance architecture was later transformed into a military fortress. Unfortunately, it didn't last too long. Attacked by the French during the War of the Palatinate Succession in 1693, Louis the XIV ensured the castle's destruction. In ruins, not much of the remaining decor could be distinguished from the red sandstone. Most buildings had to be derived from speculation and 'science.' Within the walls sat a prize that many adults would die for. The world's largest barrel, a 250-year-old vat shaped from 130 oak trees that used to hold 220,000 liters/58,118 gallons of wine, sat surrounded by stairs in an extensive cellar. We could walk through the basement, as it was blocked by the barrel. If it contained wine, nowadays, it captures peoples' attention. But like wine, it evaporated quickly, especially when there's an entire town to be explored. Heidelberg's local culture is also a key site of our trip. The town center, which thrived through its cobblestone paths, was quite large. Regardless, Mom and I traversed most of the area in two hours, picking up some gelato. It didn't look as glorious as Rome. The more critical sightseeing was the Philosopher's Walk, a long and steep section of road dedicated to the fit and younger kids. The climb upwards was a difficult task, taking nearly half an hour through winding steps and narrow paths on uneven footing. Why did we attempt to reach such an ordinary path? Well, Mark Twain once visited Heidelberg, and upon seeing the majestic castle, he praised it as "the last possibility of the beautiful." I don't get what he said. Something about the trees around it... perhaps a bit on the light from the heavens and ... photoshop. We reached the walk on the hillside, and the panoramic view was quite spectacular. If only we weren't breathing so hard. (I was okay. Mom wasn't.) Nevertheless, I thought the climb was worth it. Yet, no fantastic picture of the quality Mark Twain described could be taken due to the countless trees in the way. Instead of continuing to look for a view, Mom was lazy, and we headed back down the same road. Heidelberg is one of the most influential towns on our to-do list, which tells much about this journey. These two weeks are spent drinking in culture without focusing on the sights of the main attractions. It is tough for me to soak up every drop of culture, especially with no alcohol in my system since I'm still underage, even for Germans. 【红霞译】 在海德堡(意指“山羊山城”)我们头一回遇到大批来自中国的游客,好久没这么热闹了。
山羊山城市井文化同样是我们参观的重点,城中心鹅卵石铺就的街区车水马龙,地域跨度相当可观,无论如何,我和妈妈花上两个来钟头几乎把老城逛了个遍,顺路没忘抄来手工冰激凌犒劳自己,但好像没有像罗马做得那么花哨。“哲学家小道”当该属于比较关键的景点,路程又长又陡,适合活蹦乱跳的小孩子,不出半个钟头爬完高低不平九曲十八弯的山径绝非易事,我们干吗对这条羊肠小路如此起劲?没错,马克·吐温曾经到访山羊山城,一看到城堡便盛赞它为自己“到过的最美的地方”,反正我没体验到他那份感受,跟树林密不透风有关……也许仅露点光亮……图片处理一下。我们总算来到“哲学家小道”,眼前风景格外壮观,只是呼哧带喘累得够呛(我蛮好,可妈妈挺吃力)。回过头来看,费劲爬坡还是值得的,尽管因枝叶遮目而未能看到马克·吐温所描述的完美画面。我本想继续前行,但妈妈懒得动弹,我们只好照原路打道回府。 在我们出行计划中,山羊山城算作大名鼎鼎的小城之一,来之前常听人提及。不过这两周大家并没把精力放在景点观光上,而是倾注于饮酒文化。坦率地说,让我整天品酒实在吃不消,特别是我喝的饮料未带丁点酒精,毕竟年龄受限,即使在德国照样不够资格。 Today in History(历史上的今天):
2017: Speyer, 2027 Years of Glory DEU(德国施派尔·二千零廿七年颂歌)
2017: Speyer, the Emperor Burial Place DEU(德国施派尔·皇陵圣地) 2017: Speyer Cathedral, Germany(德国施派尔“尖塔”城大教堂) 2017: Mannheim, the UNESCO City of Music DEU(德国曼海姆·音乐城)
2017: Ludwigshafen, BASF Headquarters(德国路德维希港·化工巴斯夫总部) 2017: Heidelberg, the University Town DEU(德国海德堡·大学城) 2017: Heidelberg, UNESCO City of Literature(德国海德堡·文学城)
2017: Heidelberg Castle, Germany(德国海德堡“山羊山”城堡) 2015: Garden Expo Park in Beijing, China(北京园博园) 2014: Scrimmage in Soccer Practice(足球训练中的混战)
Panorama of Old Town (老城全景)
Heidelberg Castle above the Neckar (内尔河之上的山羊山城堡)
Overlook of Heidelberg (鸟瞰山羊山城 08-20-2017)
Moat & Friedrich Bldg, Heidelberg Castle (山羊山城堡· 护城河和王宫 08-20-2017)
Clock Tower, Heidelberg Castle (山羊山城堡· 钟楼 08-20-2017)
Courtyard, Heidelberg Castle (山羊山城堡·庭院 08-20-2017)
Clock Tower, Heidelberg Castle (山羊山城堡·钟楼 08-20-2017)
Wine Cellar, Heidelberg Castle (山羊山城堡·酒窖 08-20-2017)
Old Bridge Gate (老桥门 08-20-2017)
Steingasse (石胡同 08-20-2017) The Nave, Church of the Holy Spirit (圣灵教堂·中殿 08-20-2017)
Alte Brennerei Liquor (旧酿酒厂)
Hauptstraße (主街 08-20-2017) Steep Gorges w/ Partly Brick Walls @ Schlangenweg (蛇径·陡峭的山路与部分砖墙 08-20-2017) Crosslinks(相关博文): Germany(出游德国)
Europe(欧洲掠影) 8th Grade(初中三年级) |